

Hi I'm Kim! I'm in my late 20s, in a long term relationship. I've always had a high libido and been very sexually adventurous. I have a lot of experiences and crazy stories, most dating from my time in college, but some more recent. I will be upfront and say I haven't been faithful to my boyfriend, and actually always got a thrill from the cheating. Now I'm trying to be a more faithful girlfriend but I still have that itch that I need to scratch, so I'm hoping I can come here and share some of my stories to help with that.
Sexual: Threesomes, well endowed men, cheating, exhibition, age differences, other women (nice ass a plus lol), couples. Normal: Live music, travel, dancing, anything on the water (beach, river, lake, pool).
Favorite Books
Harry Potter
Favorite Movies
All of the Avengers movies, Black Panther is my favorite.
Favorite Music
Almost anything, though not a huge fan of country. Mostly listen to rock or hip-hop though.
Favorite Quote