
About Juicy Sex Stories

Juicy Sex Stories is a free community website founded by a few like-minded friends with a passion for quality erotica.

To put it bluntly - we love sex, writing about our experiences and fantasies and sharing our stories with others. And we wanted to offer others the opportunity to share their work online with the back up of a supportive community.

So Juicy was born.

Non-members can read sex stories and Little Secrets for free, without joining up to the site. If they want to go a bit further they can join our community.

Juicy Membership

Juicy membership is free. Juicy members can make up a profile, share photos and posts on their wall and write on other member's walls. By making friends in the community members can message and chat with each other.

They can upload sex stories and little secrets. Members can also score and comment on stories. New member registration is here

Our terms of entry are intended to make the site a positive place to have fun sharing erotica with like-minded people. Members help to police our community by flagging inappropriate content.

Sex Stories

Our community grows through members submitting their stories for publication on the site.

Little Secrets

My Little Secret is the place in Juicy where members share a little sex secret they've always wanted to get off their chest.

It's a great place to get naughty ideas from our members - often things people have never have thought of trying!

Members can post Little Secrets under their user name, anonymously or mix it up. All little secrets and stories are checked by our moderators before they go live.

Certain types of stories and sexual practices are not allowed on this website. If members upload content containing (among other things) scenes of rape, sex with a person under 16 years of age, violence or bestiality they could be banned from Juicy.

Have Fun!

The most important aspect of Juicy is that it is a positive and fun place to hang out. If you like reading and writing about sex and want to chat to like-minded people online, Juicy is the place for you.

See our top 10 sex stories here and sign up here

Juicy Sex Stories home

Erotica books - collections of naughty sex stories by our Juicy members. Get your erotica book featured here

Featured Members

profile, 26 3 14 3
What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?
gay, juicy sex stories profile 6
I believe I have reached half way through my life. made some great decisions and some dumb ones. I try…
straight, juicy sex stories profile 119
Why do I smile? Lots of sex that's why. If you get a lot of the good stuff you can't help but smile…
lesbian, juicy sex stories profile 6
I've always been into girls for as long as I can remember. Love writing erotic stories and would love…
Published erotica author under the name of Jade Melisande; kink, sex & relationship blogger at;…