
Juicy Interview with Contest Winner Lunabelle

Tell us a bit about yourself. Why did you decide to become a sex blogger?

I decided to become a sex blogger after years of reading sex blogs and collecting toys. As my kids got a little older and I gained some free time, I wanted to stop lurking and participate in the blogging world. About a year ago, I set up Twitter and Tumblr accounts to follow bloggers and educators. After a few months, I realized that I had ideas to share that didn't fit in 140 characters and started to look at setting up a blog.

Ninja Sexology

What have your learned about the industry and yourself since you started blogging?

As corny as this is going to sound, I've learned that every voice can make a difference. The more bloggers speak up about issues like unsafe sex toy materials, we see more positive changes in the industry.

On a personal level, I've found more confidence through blogging. Every positive response to a post, every company that accepts my request to review a toy gives me a boost. That confidence definitely carries over into other aspects of my life.

Do you have a favorite brand of toy and if so why?

It would be very hard for me to choose just one brand of toy! I love Vamp Silicone for their variety of shapes, sizes, colors and firmness. Tantus is an excellent toy maker that accommodates a wide range of tastes, they have been an industry leader in quality, body-safe toys. Finally, I have to mention an awesome artist/toy crafter, Damn Average. She creates unique toys in gorgeous colors and I own almost every model she makes.

Your entry into the Juicy contest was your first stab at fictional writing... what took you so long to have a go? Did you enjoy the experience? Will you write more erotica do you think?

Part of what kept me from writing was a lack of time. When my kids were younger, I barely had a minute to myself. I also worried too much about trying to come up with the "perfect" story idea before trying to put anything down on paper. Blogging helped me get the words flowing, feel more free to writing erotica where the main characters never actually touch.

I had a great time writing this story, and I can definitely see myself writing more in the future. I'd like to figure out what Jess and Eric get into after she gets home, and I recently had a crazy dream about a sex-themed circus that could be the start of another story.

What are you going to spend the $500 on?

It's probably not going to surprise anyone that I spent some of it on sex toys. I've been wanting a Fun Factory Stronic since they came out, now I'm finally getting one. The rest will go toward our family vacation this summer and spoiling the kids a little bit.

You can read Lunabelle's blog here

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