
Charleston Girl

nakedfun59   June 04, 2018   | 22191 Views
24 year old store clerk decides to spend the week with me in my motel, and I'm almost twice her age. Luxury


TITLE: Charleston Girl


I met a 24 year old in Charleston WV, there was a Convenience Store just behind the Motel where I always stayed, I was going to be there all week, I got in Monday afternoon and then walked over to get a coffee, this young girl was behind the counter, her name was Trudie.... I got my coffee and a snack cake. It was strangely quiet for this time of day. I made small talk and paid for my items. I went back to the motel, I got on line to see if I could maybe find something on Yahoo Chat locally, maybe find a young guy that wanted some attention, The time seemed to fly while I was surfing and chatting, sending messages waiting for replies. I had the TV on for background noise but was not watching it. I looked at the clock on my computer and it said 8:45... shit I had been surfing for almost 3 hours... still no takers. I thought I'd go get a sandwich and maybe pick up a 6 pack and some chips. I went back to the Convenience Store, I walked in and Trudie was still there, I said hi Trudie, she did a double take like who are you... then she said Oh hi... didn't realize who it was calling my name.... I said well we only met 4 hours ago... I walked over and said how late you work? She said I get off at 10:00 why you ask? I said I was just curious. She said you got big plans for the night? I said not really, going to get a sub and some chips and Beer.


She said so you traveling? I said yep I am in town for the week for my job, She wanted to know what I did and I explained. I said I usually go out to eat but time got away from me and I do not want to go out this late... especially by myself. She said well if you want to go out tomorrow evening and want company I only work until 6 tomorrow. I said so what kind of food do you like? She said most anything really, I said you like a good Steak? She said sure, it's been a while since I had Steak. I said got a piece of paper... she said her, and handed me a Pen too... I wrote my name on it and my room number at the motel, this was back in 1995, cell phone cost a fortune especially when roaming, so I did not give out my cell number. She asked are you traveling alone? I said yep just me, why? She said so you have a motel room and you are alone? I said yep spent the last 3 hours trying to find something or someone... she said if you want I could come over. She said we could have a few beers, maybe watch a movie who knows, I said you know I am old enough to be your dad right, she said I am okay with that if you are.


She said your age is no problem as long as you treat me okay, I said that will not be a problem I can assure you. I said well come on over when you get off work, I'll be there, I get the beer in the fridge. I paid for the items and wen back. It was almost 9:30 so not long now, I was hungry but did not know if Trudie would be hungry so I just waited. About 10:10 there was a knock on the door, it was her.... I said come on in, She said this is a big room, I said I always get a King Suite... the company pays for it. I said i didn't eat you hungry, she said yes. I opened the Sub and the bag of chips, I said you want a beer, she said sure. So we sat at the computer Island desk and ate, I said so what you want to know about me? She said I see you do not have a ring, you not married, I said yes I am married, but because of the work I do I don't wear a ring. I said me being married a problem? She said not really it's okay, so you got kids? I said yes 3 boys, how bout you? She said no kids., I said married? She said no longer, I said sorry she said it's okay.


She then proceed to tell me that he was an abuser, he caused her to have a miscarriage and can't have kids now. I said damn that is some heavy stuff, she said it has been almost 4 years now, I am doing okay, then she said are you still interested? I said you set the rules I will play by them, no pressure. She said serious? I said serious, she said no man has ever said that to me like that. I said well if nothing else we had some food, and talked, and we have plans for a Steak Dinner tomorrow evening. Then she said really you would be okay if I left now? I said I want you to be comfortable, so if leaving is what you want I am fine with that. I said are you okay financially? She said yep I'm okay, then she said I don't do this for money, I said OH NO I did not mean that I'm sorry. Then she proceeded to tell me that she lives in her little motor home. She said you want to see it? I said sure ... we went out and it was parked directly across form the room. She unlocked it and stepped up into it, she flipped on a light, I said this is pretty cool. It's really nice, she said it is the only thing I got out of my divorce. I said well do you want to spend the night in my room, hot shower and all. She said if you really don't mind, I said not it's a King Bed. She said okay let me get a couple things.So she grabbed a little duffle bag and stuffed some thing in it, and then said I'm good to go. So we stepped out and she locked it up. We went back into the room.


She said can I take a shower? I said sure it's a really cool one, It's kind of designed for handicapped I think it has seat and 2 shower heads, She flipped the light on and looked around, she said I have never seen one like that, I said yep it's got all kinds of room, even for 2 if someone wanted. She came back out and said first I got to tell you I have some scars... he was not nice to me, I said we all have scars, some just show up more. She said if I get the shower ready, would you come in? I said sure, she said even if I turn the light off? I said if it makes you feel more comfortable sure. She pulled the door closed almost fully, she had the water running, after a few minutes she flipped off the light and said come on in. I was already naked, I went it, just the glow of the light from the room leaking in as I pulled the door closed to just a crack, she said you naked, I said hell yes, you kidding. I pulled the shower curtain back and stepped in, I could see her shadow but it was dark. She reached out and grabbed my arm, she pulled over under the one shower head. She wrapped her arm around me, she said why are you so kind, I said I have a hard time understanding how someone would be bad to you, you are so sweet. As I held her I slowly let my hands feel every inch of her, I could feel the scars she talked about.


She reached for my dick, I was only about half boned, I think partly because of the reality of her abuse. She said you not interested? i said oh I am interested, I am just processing some things, I am sorry, she said I am sorry to bring you down like this.... I said no you are fine, I hugged her harder, i said okay let me wash you and you wash me, I said now you ready to put some light on this? She said are you sure, I said you do not need to be ashamed or scared. She said okay, So I stepped out ad flipped on the light over the vanity. Much better, I said wow now I'll get boned, you are really hot. She said you think so I said I know so. I washed every inch of her body and she washed me too. We rinsed off and turned off the water, and i grabbed a couple towels, we dried off then went to the bed, I said want another beer, she said sure, but you know what I really want, I said what's that she said I want you to show me how a girl should be treated in bed. I said well okay first the beers then we will move on. I said now is not the time for modesty, so I'm loosing my towel and you need to also.... she said please, I said that is all behind you now, I'm going to get up closes and personal really soon, and I mean personal. I dropped my towel and she pulled off hers.


I said see that ain't so bad, damn you get to see my little dick, so we are even, she said does not look small to me. I went to the bed handed her the beer and I had her hold mine till I got up on the bed and had my legs folded. She was back against the headboard. I said now isn't this fun? She said actually it is, she said I do not know exactly why I made a move for you, I said it really doesn't matter. She said I have only been with maybe 6 guys since I was divorced. She said guys scare me, I said understandable. She said I have only had sex with 2 of them, I was too afraid to take my clothes off.... I did them with my shirt on. Did not even spend the night. I asked her well are you going to spend the night with me? She said I'd like to okay. I said that is fine with me. I said not to be a downer but you know this is just fun times, I am married. She said you were honest about that upfront. We finished up our beers, and I said now for the fun. She said what you have planned, I said well first of all if anything I do upset or scare you tell me please. I said how bout we use a safe word, so pick a weird word. She said Avocado...... I said okay if either of us says that word then we STOP right then, understand. She said yes.


I said okay do you like oral, she said you mean sucking a dick? I said well that is part of it, but do you like to have a guy orally pleasure you? She said I have never had a man do that to me. I said oh wow, well are you willing to let me? She said sure, she said I have a battery vibe I use to get off sometimes... I said I am betting this will be much better, Now remember the safe word, nothing else works okay. She said Avocado.... I said hey wait I haven't even done anything yet, she looked at me and I laughed and she then laughed at me. I told her to move down a bit and lay diagonally... she did, I laid beside her and rolled over and kissed her on the neck and the cheeks then her mouth.... I kept kissing as I worked down, I stopped and gave her boobs some attention.... then moved on down licking and kissing on the way, I got to her crotch and mover over between her legs, I pushed them open... she had the prettiest pussy.... I said you work hard keeping that smooth? She said yep it's a daily chore.... I said you do it well... I moved in closer and took in the aroma, I am so into those mixed aromas, either women or men. I put my mouth on her and stuck my tongue into the slit... she moaned loudly, I found her button on the first attempt, I continued to lick and insert my tongue as I went past her sweet hole. I was amazed that no one had ever taken the time to give her this kind of pleasure. As I concentrated on her clit, she began to respond. Soon she was humping and gasping.... I was sure she was getting close, it was about 5 more minutes and she let loose, it was not a scram but more than a moan.... she had my head in her hand holding me tight against her pussy, she kept saying stop stop.... but not the safe word and she had me planted deep. I just kept going, finally she pulled my head away..... she said I told you too stop... I said was it good, she said it was a feeling I have never had before. I said you did say stop but you did not say the safe word. She said oh yeah that's right...


I moved up and kissed her, then I slipped my dick into her waiting pussy. She wrapped her legs around me, and she met my every stroke. I came in no time. I said I'm sorry maybe better next time, she said don't be sorry... that was the most awesome sex I have ever had. I said has anyone ever gone down on you sucked the cum out of you? She said no way... I said well then this will be new to you .... I went down and licked and sucked her pussy, I could taste my sperm. I got done and move up, she said that was different. I said so you got 2 firsts tonight, she said yes and it was awesome.


It was Tuesday morning, I had to go to work, I asked Trudie if she was going to stay here till she had to go to work, she said if it's okay, I said then you coming back after work, she said if you want me to, I said I did. I went to the office and got another room key, also told them that the Motor Homes was mine, so it would not get towed. I went back to the room, gave her the key, she hugged me and kissed me and said thank you for being so kind. I said it was my pleasure, told her I had to go, see you around 6:15 right? She said yep. My head was spinning all day, this poor girl had suffered way more than anyone should especially at her young age. I could not get the picture of her scars out of my head. She was truly a loving person that got sucked into being with a low life. I can say if I had not been married I would have taken her under my wing. Evening came, I had showered and was drinking a beer and the door opened, Trudie said hey there, I said well look at you all smiley and pretty, she said all I could think about all day was getting back her.... I said well you want to clean up and we will go eat? She said sounds good. We went to the Longhorn just around the corner, so we walked, I am not allowed to have non employees in my van and taking her Motor Home seemed really dumb.


We had a great dinner, fun talk and also had a couple Margarita's .... We went passed the Convenience Store on the way back and got a 12 pack this time. Also picked up a couple other snacks. We got back to the room, I put the beer in the fridge, I turned on the TV for background noise... I asked you want to see if there is a movie you want to see, She said they cost money don't they? I said I just put it on my expense account. So she scanned to find something. She asked do you like Bruce Willis, I said yes very much, she said how about Die Hard... I said anything he does is fine with me, so she selected Die Hard.... I had seen it a zillion times, but I love it anyway. I said you want to get comfortable, she said how comfortable? I said as much or as little as you want, I said grab that long sleeve flannel shirt out of my bag, put it on.... but nothing under it okay. She said okay brb.... she went into the bathroom, not just to change but to use it too... she came out with the shirt on sleeve half rolled up. She had it pulled closed but not buttoned, I was on the bed naked, had two beers, as she rounded the corner from the bathroom she opened the shirt to flash that she was naked, I said now I am loving that.


I said get up here, we can snack and drink a beer and watch the movie, we really did not watch much of it, we were mostly talking about anything and everything. She said can I ask you a personal question? I said go for it, she said do you do this often? I said well I am on the road for 2 weeks every 3 months, I usually never find anyone, I said now I am going to tell you something.... I am bi so I like guys too, she said really? I said yes really, I said I am not into anal but I love to suck a dick. She said I do not like anal either, I said I am fine with that because your pussy is much better I am sure. She said my EX made me do anal.... it hurt, I think that is why he did it. I said I never understood anal, no matter what you do that part of the body is nasty, she agreed. I took the last drink of my beer, she said you want another? I said sure if you do. She got 2 more.... I said have you every done any kinky stuff that you enjoyed? She said like what.... I said well here are two of my faves, now understand they are not required, just something I like.... I like golden showers, I love to get peed on, also I like to get spanked on my bare ass.


She said I have never done a golden shower, I said I can give them but I prefer to get them. She said so if I said I would pee on you would let me? I said for sure, she said where do you do that, I said well outdoors is best, but in the shower works well also, no cleanup just wash off. She said I do not think I could spank you, I said I understand, no problem, she said let me think about the shower though, I said no pressure. She said how do you find guys to suck? I said usually go to the Adult Arcades that have Glory Holes, she asked what's that? I said just an opening cut in the wall between the video booths, sometimes just round holes sometimes big squares. The one thing is it allows you be in control if the guy is endowed. She asked what is the biggest you have seen in one of those places? I said I had one guy that was over 10" for sure, he was not cut either, she said CUT? I said oh he was not circumcised. She said really I have never seen one not done. I said I would guess 60 or 70% of men are cut at birth.


I told her I had been playing with dicks from an early age, she asked how early, I said 9 she said who, I said cousins. She did not react at all.. she said did they like it too, I said yes we all did. We finished our beers, we pulled the covers down and laid down, she rolled over and kissed me, then she got on top, and sat up, I said well I guess it's time to lose that shirt, she peeled it off... damn she was cute, everything about her was. I was boned of course, she moved around and I slipped inside her waiting pussy, she proceeded to hump me good. I said I assume you are going to need me to take you away, she said you don't have to I just want to do this for you. I said okay that's fine, but what if I want to do that for you? She said well then I won't stop you. She worked me until I said I'm cummin' she said do it stud, and I did. She said damn that feels like you shot clear up into my throat, I laughed ... she said no really. She laid down on my chest, she might have been 110 pounds soaking wet, she said am I heavy, I said not I am loving this, I wrapped my arms around her and we kissed, she tongued me.


We laid there for 15 minutes or so then I kind of rolled her off, I moved and sat up, pulled her legs so she was diagonal on the bed. Then I said hold on for your next great adventure, I went down and got the cream pie too, then proceed to take her away orally, she was loving this new found attention. I was loving it too. She did not last long and her orgasm was violent, in the process she peed some, she said sorry, I said no problem it is part of the job. After I moved up and we cuddled, she said so you tasted my pee and are not mad, I said if you decide to shower me you will see how much I really like pee, she said you would have me pee in your mouth, I said without a doubt. She said now that might be something worth seeing. I said I know it would be for me. I turned off the lights except for the one in the bathroom, I went in and peed, then she went in. When she returned I said bedtime? She said if you want to. I hit the remote and turned the TV off... Soon we were asleep.


Well it was Wednesday Morning, Trudie did not have to go into work until 10, I on the other hand needed to be the job site by 8. I said I got to get going, she said I understand. I said be thinking what you want for dinner, something in walking distance or we can order something and have it delivered. She okay I'll be thinking, she said I get off at 6 again, I said okay I'll be here, then she said thank you... I said for what? She said for being so kind to me. I said you deserve it. All day my mind was filled with thought of Trudie, thinking how sweet she was, how pretty she was & all the things she has been through and only 24. I finished up on my job about 4:30.... Decided to go wash my van. Got that done then went back to the motel. I changed clothes, but didn't shower. Shortly after 6 Trudie arrived, I said hey I did not shower, I just changed my clothes, thought maybe later we could wash each other, sound like a good idea? She said yes that sounds really good.


I asked you decide what you want to eat? She said can we do the steak house again? I said that's fine with me, we walked over I asked for a booth in the corner. We got seated and I said I'm having a mixed drink of some kind how bout you? She said maybe a Margarita, I said then that is what we will have, we ordered those and an Appetizer. I call them Brain Freeze Margarita's.... So good but so damn cold. We got our food, finished up and decided to not order more drinks, on the way back we stopped at the Convenience Store, the clerk said hi to Trudie, he said you just can't stay away? She said I guess not, I hardly ever buy lottery tickets, but I thought what the heck. I bout 10 $2.00 scratch off tickets. I grabbed to candy bars, and we were off. On the way back to the motel I tore off 5 of the tickets and handed them yo Trudie... she asked what's these for? I said I have 5 you have 5... who knows you might be lucky, she said no I can't, I said you don't have a choice, they are yours now...


We got back to the room and settled in, I sat at the computer desk and started to scratch off my tickets, Trudie pulled the arm chair over and sat down. I said wow look I won $20.... just paid for the 10 tickets, then i scratched another, $2 dollars more, the other 3 were not winners. I said okay your turn let's see if you can win anything, She scratched the first 3 no winners, she scratched the 4th one.... she said did i win on this one? She handed it to me and sure enough there were 3 matching amounts.... I said well I would say you are a Thousand Dollars richer.... she said no FUCKING way... I said yep and watch your language young lady, with a smile on my face. She said I can't take this here and handed the ticket back to me, I said hey I told you those were yours. She started crying. I said let's go over and cash them in and make sure. So we went back to the Convenience Store, the clerk said you back again? She said scan this for me will you, he scanned it and said here, handed her the ticket and the printout, it was a winner $1000.00. I got my $22.00. He told her she would have to wait, she said I know 10 minutes. The automatic safe would dispense the money in 10 minutes.


She was so excited, she kept saying i can't, the clerk asked her who her friend was? She said he is my Uncle from Ohio, he is in town on work. I shook his hand and said I'm Patrick nice to meet you. We wandered around the store killing time, she kept saying are your sure, I said I am, hey my niece deserves it. She said I had to say that, I said hey I get it no problem, it's better that way. Time was up we went up front and the guy counted out $1000.00, Trudie signed the ticket. Wow I was so happy for her, I had been trying to figure how to give her some money but still not make her feel like I was paying for her companionship. This worked out just great. We headed back to the motel, she said I want to get something out of my Camper. So we stopped and she got some clothes and whatever.


Back in the room she grabbed me and gave me the most awesome hug, she had tears in her eyes, she said I think I am going to make the move back to where my family is, I asked where are they she said up in Wheeling, she said I don't go up very often because the Motor Home does not get very good gas mileage. She said that her Mom and Dad have been trying to get her to come back home, Dad said he could hook her motor home up to the utilities, she would just need a car then. I said that will be so good for you I am sure, She said I know I can get a job up there. I said we need to get a beer, and get naked and celebrate, she said yes we do, she said I'll be right back, she went into the bathroom. When she came out she was naked, no shirt to hide the scars... nothing. I said damn you beat me, I started taking off my clothes, she said let me help lay down, so I did. She pulled my shirt up over my head, then pulled my socks off. She unbuckled my belt, and unzipped my jeans, and proceeded to pull them down, then my briefs.


Once I was naked she straddled me and leaned forward and kissed me... then she worked her way down, soon she was licking my dick and balls, she took my into her mouth, she was good. I could not hold back any longer I said I am going to cum, She did not miss a beat and swallowed every drop and then licked me clean. She moved up on top of me, I said I'm no magician, it's gonna' be a while before that thing between my legs is going to be any good for anything except peeing. She laughed and said we got time no problem, she said you want to take a shower? I said with you sure. We went into the bathroom, she said do you need to pee? I said I can but it's not bad, she said hold it then. She asked me so if I was going to pee on you how would you position yourself? I said like this, and I sat in the corner of the shower with my legs straight out. She said so you really want me to pee on you? I said are you sure you want to? She said yes I am more than sure.


I was ready.... she stood in front of me, her legs straddling mine, she said okay here it goes, she had 2 finger kind of pinching her pussy lips, it made a long smooth stream almost like a guy pissing, My dick was hard again, I wonder why. She said where you want it, I said all over but let me taste it, she aimed for my face, I opened my mouth and she filled it. I swallowed some and let the rest run out, then she moved down with the stream, she said well look who woke up, as she pissed on my dick. The flow just kept on going and going... damn it was so hot. When she finally ran out I said where were you keeping all that, she said I have been saving up for a few hours, just for this. I got up and we turned on the water, adjusted both of the shower heads. I rinsed my mouth out the kissed her, she said why did you do that, I said did you want to kiss my piss mouth, she said well it was mine too you know.


She asked me well now can you pee? I said I think so why? You want to watch me pee? She said no I want what I did to you just now, I said you want me to pee on you? She said yes, just like that. So she sat on the floor just like I had been, I said you ready she said yes. So I let go, onto her tits, and down to her crotch, she said I want to taste it. I aimed for her mouth and she opened, filling her mouth she spit most of it out, then swallowed, she said see I can do it too. I said I had no doubt you could, I helped her back up and then kissed her, she said hey... I said what? We stood in the shower forever (one of the good things about hotels and motels is the almost unlimited amount of hot water.) I washed her all over with a wash cloth and soap she did the same to me. Finally we got out and dried off, we had a couple more beers and just lounged around naked.


She asked was it as good as you expected? I said it was better, how about you? She said it was interesting, and I'm glad I did it with you. I said so am I for sure. She said I think I want to call my parents, I said do it then... I'll be quiet I promise, she picked up the phone and dialed, then she said hi Mom...just lots of chit chat, then she said guess what? ..... I'm going to move back home, I could hear her mom scream and then called out her dad's name and yelling at him, he got on the phone too, he was just as excited, Damn that sure made me feel good. She said no I got money, wait till I tell you the story... then she said maybe next weekend, I need to let them know I am quitting. Then she said no I am 100% serious,something changed my mind and opened my eyes. Then she said okay talk to you later and hung up. She said you know you are the reason right?


She said I can't tell them everything but I can tell them some of it, the rest will be our secret.. Then she said you know you taught me something in these last few days that I never understood. I said what was that? She said you taught me that it is about how I feel about myself not how other feel about me. I sad well than that was a good lesson learned. She cuddled up next to me, she said my dad would never understand, you are his age and still you are so much more. Then I changed the subject, I said you know that shower you gave me was like the icing on the cake. You know something cool, I have been your first in quite a few things these last couple nights. She said it has all been so special, but you getting me off orally was intimate and intense. This was the first time I had someone stay with me for the week, I was loving it. I got her off and then we fucked, then went to sleep. I was going to hate tomorrow knowing it would be our last night together.


Thursday morning arrived and off to work, my last day here in Charleston, then off to home Friday. The day seemed to drag on for some reason, I had 3 service calls, I finished up and went back to the motel. I showered and changed clothes. Trudie showed up just shy of 6:15.... We decided to order in tonight, Pizza just sounded good, so we ordered Pizza and a Salad. We had beer in the fridge. They said it would be about half an hour, we sat in front of my laptop and I was surfing, showing some stuff that Trudie had never seen. She was a funny mix, but most of all I felt sorry for what she had been through, I never said it though, she lived it, time to put it behind her. The Food was delivered, so the rest of the evening was ours and ours alone. I said this is our last night, you wanna' get naked for dinner? She said I will for you. So we both stripped, nudity was and is one of my favorite non-sexual things.


As we ate I was looking at some porn videos, she said it amazes me that they can take Dildo's that big. I said taking one in a pussy is one thing, but up the ass is totally different. Not for me for sure, I am happy to just see hung guys fucking, I am so envious of guys with big dicks. I know there is nothing I can do about mine so I deal with it, she said well those big ones might look impressive but they have to hurt. Then she said I will tell you that the sex we have had is the best I have ever had, ever. I said you are too kind. She said you know what you did is changing my life don't you? I said you are doing it, you just need to keep looking ahead and not back. We finished eating and drank another beer, I said there are 2 more left, let's finish them off. We got on the bed and watched some TV while drinking our last beers.


Then Trudie said to me, would you want to do the shower thing again? I said you mean me getting showered, she said I mean both of us getting showered, I kind of found that to be hot. I said you don't need to ask me twice, she said you do me first this time, she had me direct more to her mouth and chest this time, she seemed to drink more too, then it was my turn, and she took care of it like a master. We showered after then we fucked and I got her off.... then we went to sleep, about 2:30 she woke me, I was boned she had been stroking me, she said one more time please, I said you didn't have to say please.


Friday morning came we rounded up all our stuff, she took hers to the motor home, I put mine in the van, then we went over to Denny's and had one last meal together, we went back to the parking lot, we hugged and kissed, she didn't want to let go.... and either did I honestly. I said remember always look forward, you got this girl. I got in my van and drove away, I did not even look in the rear view mirror. 3 months later when I was back in Charleston, I stopped at the same Convenience Store, the guy on days was the one that worked evening when Trudie worked days, I said hi, then I said do you know did Trudie move back to Wheeling? He said yep, she calls every once and a while, she is doing good, she is taking classes at the university.


I often wonder how things worked out for her, Never saw her again, I knew I could have found her because the guy at the store knew where she worked, but it would not have been good for me or her.

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I've always been into girls for as long as I can remember. Love writing erotic stories and would love…
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What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?