
A Unique Beauty at the Gym

jamieboy4fun90   March 27, 2023   | 20398 Views
So I turned my attention to get a better look at the little blonde, when I noticed some things that really challenged what I thought I knew about myself. You see, what I saw was actually the kind of small blonde teen boy was probably about 17 or 18, but being blonde, light-skinned, and totally smooth, he was naturally young looking. stepmom It's not that I had never thought about it at all, but really I thought it was just a fantasy, one that really turned me on. I'll just lay it out straight, just how I saw it and what I was feeling at the time.   So it was the rare visit to the gym I've had a membership at going on five years now. I'm in my 40s now so I know that I have to force myself to get at least some cardio and get my blood flowing, so that things flow naturally as I get older. I would say on average this year I've been going once or twice a week and three times every so often.   Anyways, I was about 15 minutes into my session on the elliptical machine, when out of the corner of my eye I noticed what at first seemed to be a cute little blonde chick walking past me headed straight for the exercise mats. Well, I was definitely getting bored staring out the window thinking about how much I dislike exercise. I had a huge McDonald's craving that I was destined to suppress. So I turned my attention to get a better look at the little blonde, when I noticed some things that really challenged what I thought I knew about myself. You see, what I saw was actually the kind of small blonde teen boy was probably about 17 or 18, but being blonde, light-skinned, and totally smooth, he was naturally young looking.    So now I'm looking at him from top to bottom and I quickly realized that as I was scanning him and guessing his height weight, among other things, that I was actually getting quite aroused. Wild. I would say he stood about maybe 5'6 and weighed in at about 130lbs.. He look just like a young swimmer in that he was quite thin but you could tell his body was lean and fit. You could also tell that he's hairless and quite honestly he could as for a cute teen girl hey sexy teen twink I guess they call it.   First of all, let me describe what he chose to wear to the gym on this sunny Saturday afternoon. While I was in a cheap pair of Adidas shorts and an old t-shirt and the new running shoes I just bought, he was wearing a pair of cut-off jean shorts that were cut so short that on one side you could actually see the bottom of one of his cute round cheeks. It blew me away just noticing how damn sexy his legs were among everything else. On top of that, he was wearing a very small sleeveless t-shirt and the bottom was short enough that it stopped just above his belly button if he was just standing.   Then I noticed that he was barefoot, which I've always found sexy as hell when the feet are small and cute, as his definitely were. The package as a whole really blew me away, and made me realize that he was just a sexy to me as any hot blonde chick could have been. He was alone, and I bet he liked being looked at, and knew that the older men we're going to be staring and lusting over him. I even noticed that he noticed me looking him over and one of the times gave me a sexy little grin knowing full well what was happening. I'm telling you I had thoughts I never had before, I mean just imagining the different outfits he could wear that would just drive me nuts, no pun intended.   This was really starting to drive me crazy and I was going to do something about it. And I actually did. I looked back at him and noticed he was at the pull up bars, which work the arms, biceps shoulders Etc and he was not really doing them right and standing a little awkwardly, so this gave me the chance I'm just going to go over there and offer some help, or at least see if he wanted some help; some training if you will. So I did exactly that...the closer I got to him, the more just absolutely incredible looking he became.

When I got over to him he stopped and listened as I offered to help and show him the correct way to get the best results out of the equipment. He's now right in front of me and I'm seeing just every part of him looking so teen boyish, yet at the same time, like a stunningly sexy girl to me. His stomach was flat, hairless and perfect. I noticed that his arms though still young and small, had a glimmer of some bicep definition showing, and that was hot as I could show him mine and compare his smaller size and how hot it is to be able to help him and watch him grow.

Now, I was going to see about boundaries; so I put my hands on his shoulders and told him to get in front of the equipment again and I would show him the best way to stand, and then how to use the bar effectively with the right amount of weight for him. I just started touching him everywhere and first on his hips where I felt skin for the 1st time. Then put one hand on his belly, and the other on his incredibly well formed little round bum, running my hands down his leg to his knees, having him bend them slightly. I just had to get a feel of the rest, so down his ankles, to his adorably cute and sexy little feet, as I let out a little giggle letting him know I thought it was cute that he was doing this barefoot.

Oh shit, as I quickly glanced at my watch, I realized I had an appointment in a couple of hours and needed to leave the gym...   Stay tuned for Part 2  
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