
Playground 51: Lane’s Adventure (pt.1)

AllieOpalXX   December 06, 2024   | 4785 Views
Lane looked down in wonder. They strummed the tip of the dildo, making it bounce. “Whoa. I just felt that!” Lane heard their own thoughts coming out of Dahlia’s mouth. She was running a finger curiously up and down the length of her pink and purple dragon-dick. She didn’t close her mouth, which was hanging open in surprise, when she looked over to Lane. Lesbian

[This story is part 1 of 3 the Playground 51 miniseries, but each can be read in any order. The three stories overlap, so be sure to check out the others as well!]


Swarms of muscular, naked bodies writhed on the floor, everyone connected by hands, mouths, or genitals like some kind of pornographic polymer of people, looking from overhead not terribly unlike the multimolecular structures Lane worked to create in their lab. Lane cringed a bit at this daunting sea of nude people in the midst of a massive orgy. How was Lane supposed to enjoy any part of this? 

The fact that it was all in Lane’s head did not make a whole lot of difference. They would prefer a much more intimate setting in which to enact their fantasies. Regardless, Lane had basically been coerced into checking out the new Playground 51, but imagined it would not be their cup of tea.

“We’re here!” The cheerful voice next to Lane in the taxi belonged to their coworker, Priya. Priya had been to The Playground before, as people who went there regularly called it, and she loved it. “I can’t wait ‘til you see! You’re going to have a bunch of fun.” She was practically bouncing in her seat as the driver pulled to a stop in front of a big, gray building that looked a bit like a warehouse.

“That’s what you keep saying,” Lane rolled their aqua-blue eyes and chuckled. “I’m committing to fifteen minutes and then I’ll make my way to the exit.” Their deeper voice always surprised new people, coming from such a small-framed person.

“Alright, alright, you do you, I guess!” Priya barely waited for Lane to scoot out of the back seat of the taxi before clomping up the walkway to the entrance where a broad-shouldered security guard stood waiting. Why Priya insisted on wearing heels and a dress to what amounted to a sex party, Lane couldn’t understand. 

After their IDs were checked and personal items were stowed, Lane and Priya made their way through the second set of doors at the other end of the dimly lit entry room. They could hear electronic dance music coming through from inside. Pushing the heavy doors aside, they were struck by the sight of colorful, moving lights in an otherwise dark room. It looked like a rave mixed with a museum, with a large sculpture of a white rabbit taller than Lane sitting on a platform in the front room. Lane had to assume it was white, anyway, as lights from the floor threw dancing colors onto it from all angles, making it appear as a cunicular kaleidoscope. 

The walls were all black, but there were pieces of psychedelic-looking pop art across them, and the vibe was far from boring. Through the undulating bands of light coming from the ceiling, Lane could see that there were various bars and other rooms coming off the main one, each of which had different lighting and perhaps decor, from what they could see. The building also had very tall ceilings and a good circulatory system, Lane noticed, sensing the lack of dank sex smell they had anticipated.

“Let’s go get a drink!” Priya, always energetic and bubbly, was ready to have a good time. She grabbed Lane’s hand and tugged them along toward the large, oval bar in the center of the room. Now that the two had gone further into the building, they could see everything better in the semi-darkness, and realized there were a lot of people moving around, coming and going from the bar, or sitting and chatting, but only about half of them were clothed. The other half were wearing anything from business-casual attire to lingerie, and not one of them seemed to bat an eye at the difference. 

“Hey, there, what can I get for you two?” The bartender, smartly dressed in dark slacks and a button-up white shirt that glowed under the black lights, had made it back around to that side of the bar. 

“I would love a Harvey Bedbanger, please,” said Priya, pointing at a pink menu in front of her.

“What’s that supposed to be?” Lane chortled at the play on the classic drink title. 

The bartender answered. “This menu is our specialty non-alcoholic drink list. We use natural nootropic stimulants and various other ingredients to enhance your experience here without the potential detriment of alcohol.” He was somehow already mixing the drink in a shaker, breaking no sweat to give his spiel and make cocktails at the same time. “The Bedbanger here is made with CoQ10 and guarana, a bit of caffeine, and our proprietary blend. Other than that, it’s just orange juice and a cherry on top.”

The bartender poured the mixture over ice, added a black straw and a maraschino cherry, and placed it in front of Priya. Seeing Lane’s sideways look, he gave a little wink and said, “our blend is completely legal, of course.”

“Interesting,” Lane responded. “I guess I’ll just get a… Clothing Libre?” They winced at the terrible name, but it seemed like something on the list they could stomach. 

Within a couple minutes and drinks in hand, the two were back to wandering the large hall. They peered into each room as they passed, deciding which one to go in first. 

“It’s in the water, in the lube, and makes up the surface of every fuckable object here.”

Lane jerked their head to look for the source of that sentence. It was one of the staff members explaining a feature of Playground 51 to a curious customer. That feature happened to be Lane’s own invention, a polymer created originally for safer medical products.

It was Lane’s turn to yank Priya's arm. They pulled her into the nearest room and out of sight of the door.

“I can’t figure out your issue,” Priya laughed, but with a hint of admonishment. “You should be excited about how well your creation is doing - it’s a revolution! It’s -”

“It’s embarrassing,” Lane interjected. “They had to put me on the cover of Time and THEN turn it into a sex product?”

“Having more uses doesn’t make it a bad thing, Lane! Safer sex is a big deal to some people.”

“No, I get it… I do, but I don’t want to go down in history as ‘sex-toy-boi’ or something… no… NO!” Lane gave Priya a playful punch on the arm, seeing her expression.

Priya busted out laughing while holding her arm in mock-pain. “Come on, that’s actually a great name! I want to see Sex-Toy-Boi in the history books one day!”

Lane rolled their eyes so hard they almost hurt. 

“Anyway, I assume that’s why work sent you to check it out for yourself. It’s time to be proud of something you’ve accomplished… in all its glory,” said Priya with a sideways smile at Lane. “Oooh, what is this room you pulled me into?” Again distracted by her surroundings, the brown-skinned beauty bounced off further into the room.

Lane had to turn around to see what the room actually contained. For the first time, they recognized the sounds of cheering and arcade game sounds. Looking around, they saw that the room was set up like a typical arcade, with similar-looking games, but there was something distinctly different about them. Roughly ten feet ahead, they heard Priya exclaim, “Oh HELL yeah!”

When they finally caught up with Priya, she was standing amidst a group of several other people watching something with great interest. Lane, being on the shorter side, had to peer over the shoulders of someone ahead to see. There was a girl. Riding a bull. 

Well, it was a mechanical bull, over the soft mat platform it sat on, but she appeared to be holding on with dear life. The girl had long, blonde hair that covered her whole back. At least, it would, if it wasn’t moving all over the place as she jerked around on the bull, and it was possible to see that she wore nothing but a tiny dress, pulled up to the top of her hips. 

As Lane watched, they came to realize the girl was not only riding the bull but a jet-black dildo that appeared and reappeared as she bounced with each mechanical movement of the bull. Her eyes were shut tightly and her mouth was hanging open in ecstasy. The saddle of the bull appeared slick with liquid, which was currently streaming out of the girl’s pussy and onto the bull. Was she possibly about to cum? If Lane was interrogated, they would have had to admit that this was pretty fucking hot. 

Suddenly, a buzzer went off and the bull came to a halt, mid-lurch. The blonde had to grab the bull’s neck to avoid flying off completely. 

Before Lane could ask what was going on, a club employee dressed like a referee yelled, “TIME!” and pointed up at the clock. According to the large blue digital timer on the back wall, three minutes was the limit on this bull-riding game. Just three minutes to see if you could cum or not. The crowd watched as the girl slowly dismounted and shakily walked back out of the ring. She sheepishly grinned at some friends, and went off with them toward another game in the arcade. 

Lane looked to see where they were heading to. They were about to ask Priya if she knew what the other games were all about when they realized she wasn’t nearby anymore. After a moment of scanning the small crowd, Lane realized, with a jolt of horror, that Priya was standing next to the referee. She was already completely naked and handing him her black mini-dress, getting ready to ride the bull.

Oh, God. Lane hadn’t come here to watch their coworker get off in front of a crowd of strangers. Lane almost walked off, but stopped. Maybe it would be interesting to just see how the whole thing got started, since they missed it before. For research purposes and such. 

To their surprise, Lane did find something interesting. No one bothered to clean off the bull whatsoever between riders. It must have been a testimony to the trust everyone put in the substance that shared surfaces were made of here. Not that Lane doubted it in the least, being that they were the creator and had seen firsthand, at the microscopic level, what it could do.

They found the visual effect intensely hot, as Priya was now hovering, balanced on a couple metal stirrups, over the pre-soaked black dildo, about to cover it in her own juices. Lane watched as Priya gingerly slid down onto the slick, rubbery piece and grasped the thin leather strap near the neck of the plastic bull. Priya’s face looked, if it was possible, even more excited than the moment they arrived at The Playground. 

The bull began to move slowly, the timer started counting down from three minutes, and Priya clung with both hands to the strap as if fearful of falling. However, as the pace of the mechanical ride picked up, Priya seemed to find a rhythm, keeping up with the bull beneath her. 

A minute passed, and Priya continued to rock and buck in time with the bull, which seemed increasingly intent on throwing her off. Priya, on the other hand, appeared even more turned on. Her face changed, showing no awareness of her surroundings, and only of her own impending orgasm. Her jaw was slack, lips slightly parted, eyes half-open but not seeing. 

Coming up on two minutes and thirty, those around had begun to chant and cheer for Priya, yelling “come for me!” and “get it, girl!” Lane wasn’t sure Priya heard any of them, but agreed that she looked really close. Fifteen seconds to go. The bull was wildly flailing about, but Priya looked more like she was dancing than being thrown around. Her knuckles were white on the strap and her arms were tensed in pulling it tight, but anyone watching would have said it looked more like a pre-orgasmic tension than self-preservation. 

Eight seconds to go. Priya’s black hair swirled around her, her face lifted toward the ceiling, eyes closed. She suddenly began to release cries from deep within her. It sounded almost like a song in another language, with gasps and melodic yelps punctuated by rhythmic stops likely inserted by the bull’s random convulsing. 

Priya came on the bull with her own voluminous stream of hot liquid, which onlookers could see ran down her thighs and dripped off her ankles. For the first time in Lane’s life, they watched fifteen-plus people clap and cheer for a woman’s orgasm. In public. Lane was stunned. To their chagrin, they also noticed that they were more than a little wet between the legs themself. 

It wasn’t long before Priya was back at Lane’s side, her black dress slung over one arm. Her chatty nature had been stifled. “Hot damn,” was all Priya could breathe. She hadn’t bothered to put clothes back on after the ride, but took no notice of Lane’s discomfort at being so near her large, uncovered, bouncing breasts.

Lane was way more hot and bothered than they had intended to get tonight and really did not want to think about the person they worked so closely with in a sexual way. 

“Hey, is that a motorcycle game?” Lane suddenly said. “I loved those games as a kid,” Lane pointed and began marching off to the first thing they thought would clear their mind.

Well, shit. Of course it was a fucking motorcycle game. And by “fucking,” it meant that they actually saw it was a motorcycle game for… fucking. The iteration of the game in front of her, not unlike the ride-a-bull from a minute ago, sported a thick, rainbow-colored dildo, right in the middle. 

Lane sighed, thinking about saying, “how dumb is this?” out loud, when they felt a tingle between their legs once again. Lane started to wonder if their body was trying to convince them of something here. 

“Go for it, buddy,” Priya was back to giggling again. “Have some fun! Quit making things difficult.” She pushed Lane toward the motorcycle with both hands, laughing somewhat maniacally.

“Fiiiiiine, shit.” Lane laughed. Well, if there was going to be pressure, maybe it was worth a try anyhow.

“I’mma go check out something over there. I’ll be around if you need to find me.” With that, Priya hopped off toward the other side of the room. 

Lane stood for a second, contemplating the psychedelic phallus and the sport-style ride it sat on. Lane was definitely a switch when it came to sexual dominance preferences, and they couldn’t pass up a good fucking as much as they liked to fuck themself. Hell, let’s see what this thing does, they mused.

They saw a lube pump in a cup holder next to the game. “MicrobeTech” in large blue letters lined the barely visible front label. Lane tried not to think of work as they took a pump of the viscous fluid into their hand and patted it onto the Dick of Many Colors. 

There was an awkward moment while Lane took their shorts and boxer-style underwear off. Now they were just wearing a t-shirt. Should they take that off, too? Getting naked to any degree had not been part of the original plan. Finally, Lane decided to leave the shirt on for now, still covering the top half of their slim, runner’s body.

Astride the motorcycle, Lane pressed themselves onto the dildo. It had been a while since they had something that big up in there. It took a few moments of shallow gyrating to open up enough to make it fit. Holy… they had forgotten what that felt like. 

Once the plastic cock had been fully pushed inside of Lane, the screen in front of the ride lit up. A pressure sensor must have activated, and was now questioning its rider on the usual video game options such as, what color motorcycle? What make? What track? 

Lane clicked through as they would usually, until it landed on the “Start” page. Lane’s hand hovered over the go button, hesitating at the last moment.

Just then, a pretty, dark skinned girl hopped up to the motorcycle next to Lane. “Wanna race?” Her smile was sweet and infectious. Lane was too surprised to answer but smiled back. Without waiting for an answer, the girl was already shimmying onto the adjacent motorcycle-dildo and got herself put into the race. “Ready?” She looked at Lane as her hand moved to the large red button. Lane was as ready as they were going to be. The two both pressed their buttons.

Just like a normal racing game, the screen showed a number of motorcycles on a track, and the numbers counted down. However, the way to speed up was… different. The throttle on the right still existed, but as Lane tested it out, they realized that revving caused the dildo to pump up and down. The other handlebar had a dial which caused vibration intensity to increase.

“3…2…1… GO!” 

Lane and the girl on their right took off down the highway. Partly due to being distracted by the sensation of the slowly pulsing dildo, partly just trying to figure out how things worked, Lane was a little way off behind her opponent and the other imaginary drivers. The throttle and vibration dials both seemed to cause momentary boosts in motorcycle speed, but wasn’t enough to get ahead. 

Lane glanced sideways at their opposition to see what the trick was. It seemed she was alternating between the two handles, but also leaning in close to the body of the motorcycle. Lane tried the same. The dildo actually pivoted forward with their body, and in doing so, increased in speed. Too quick! Lane’s cycle crashed off a cliff before reappearing in the street again. 

Once Lane started to get the hang of the game, it was actually kind of fun. And it was beginning to feel pretty good, too. Alternating vibration and pulsing with leaning into the curves of the road, along with positioning their hips to get the correct acceleration put the sensations almost half in and half out of their control. Sort of like how sex with another person works, Lane thought.

Lane’s nether-regions were engorged and sensitive by the end of the first ride. Without thinking, Lane slapped the go button before the settings could time out. They caught a grin from the ebony beauty next to them as she pushed the button as well. 

This time, Lane knew what to do from the beginning, so the whole ride was pretty on-point. Significant wetness was lubricating the giant rainbow cock, and Lane knew that most of it was their own. Every time they leaned forward into the bike to accelerate, their hard nub rubbed against the vibrating saddle and sent shocks of white-hot pleasure through Lane’s body. Somehow, Lane managed to avoid crashing by leaning back at the last moment each time. 

Lane felt orgasmic energy beginning to creep up between their legs, and it was getting harder to focus on the race. They were close to the finish line, though, and they had never been a quitter. A straight shot to the finish line came up and Lane leaned in hard. Without any more turns or obstacles to avoid, Lane turned up all the levels to max and let the cock slam up and down with full vibration and pressed their clit firmly into the saddle. 

It seemed appropriate that the second Lane passed the finish line was also the exact moment they climaxed. They couldn’t even see what was happening in the game because their vision blacked out temporarily. Every muscle in their body contracted and relaxed with each wave of orgasm. It had been a long time since they had experienced something like this, and they shook and gasped as they came onto the bike.

It took Lane a while to notice that they were being watched. The girl on the right was laying her head on the bike, the dildo still inside her, but was grinning as she looked on at Lane. When Lane finally caught their breath and acknowledged their small audience, the girl sighed and said, “What a ride, huh?”

“Yeah, you could say that,” laughed Lane. “Did you cum, too?”

“Oh, yeah. You didn’t notice when I almost took you out with my bike? I veered off into some bushes when I came and never recovered. It was great.” Her laugh sounded like bells.

After having such an unusual experience, Lane found it surprisingly easy to start chatting with the girl, whose name, they found out, was Dahlia. Presently, Dahlia, who had been to The Playground before, asked Lane if they’d like to come try another game she’d discovered last time but never tried. 

“This one lets people without a penis try out what it would be like to have one, I guess,” she said with a giggle. 

Lane was interested, and went with Dahlia to try out the game. This one had four cushioned mounts, in similar shape and size as the motorcycle had been, but with rests on each side for the player’s knees and elbows as well. It was made perfectly for thrusting into it. 

In the center of each cushion there was a hole. Between inspecting the game and the short list of instructions to the side of it, the two found that it was possible for anyone with any anatomy to play, as long as they either had a penis or a strap-on. To obtain their own appendages, the two were able to choose from a list of shapes and sizes on the screen, some of which looked quite realistic, and some of which were on the fantastical side. 

“Poor penis-owners,” Dahlia chuckled, “they don’t get to choose what theirs looks like.”

Similarly to a vending machine, the game dispensed the strap-ons into a bin just below the screen. Dahlia’s looked like it was supposed to belong to a dragon or something, but Lane chose one that looked realistic and moderately-sized. They didn’t care too much if it looked extravagant, they just wanted to see what it would feel like. 

Upon fitting the strap-ons to themselves, the two finally realized what “advanced sensory technology” on the game’s labeling meant. The small cup that suctioned to the clitoris with a tiny dab of lube seemed to have some way of electrically communicating with the nerve endings there, making it feel as if they were now extended to the very tip of their chosen member. 

Lane looked down in wonder. They strummed the tip of the dildo, making it bounce.

“Whoa. I just felt that!” Lane heard their own thoughts coming out of Dahlia’s mouth. She was running a finger curiously up and down the length of her pink and purple dragon-dick. She didn’t close her mouth, which was hanging open in surprise, when she looked over to Lane. 

“This is crazy. It’s almost just like what I’d imagined…” Lane said, nodding in agreement with Dahlia.

“So should we…?”

“Yeah, let’s try it out.”

They each climbed on top of their ride, which were rather close together. This was really not the place to be shy, apparently. Before inserting their new rods into the hole, they had to choose what their goal was. There were games that allowed them to power a vehicle, somewhat like the motorcycle race, games for making a pretend partner orgasm, and games that encouraged cumming multiple times for higher scores. 

Again, Lane just wanted a more realistic experience for the first time, and chose the “partner” game. They flipped through a number of choices of partners and ended up with a video game character of a woman with perky boobs and curly red hair. The main reason they chose this one is that they didn’t personally know anyone who looked quite like that and they could just focus on trying out the game. 

It looked like Dahlia had chosen the one for multiple orgasms. She had an excited, and perhaps a bit nervous, look on her face, as if about to go on a roller-coaster. Gripping the edge of the mount, Dahlia pressed her bulbous monster-cock into the hole. Her eyes immediately rolled back and her body shuddered. She emitted a quiet, but high-pitched squeal.

Stars erupted on the screen. 100 points! Shit, she already came?

“It just felt so amazing!” Dahlia looked over at Lane with a mixture of shock and awe on her face.

Lane didn’t want to wait another moment, so they, too, pushed into the hole. It did feel amazing. They did not immediately cum, but it was a lot like the feeling of massaging their own hard clit except extended out over a much greater surface area. The inside of the hole felt cool and slick. It surrounded the pale cock and began to warm up slightly and tightened to fit the exact size of Lane’s appendage. Lane did almost cum just then, feeling it squeeze up their new length.

Lane managed to hold it back, knowing that too many in a night might mean the end of the orgasms, as it had in the past. They were hoping for at least one more tonight. Now focused on the screen in front of them, they watched as their CG partner stretched out sexily on a bed and waited for Lane to penetrate them. Lane pushed their hips forward to see if this would do it.

It worked. Lane continued thrusting, feeling as if it was the most natural thing in the world. There was a meter on the top right of the screen that showed how close the redhead was to orgasm, so Lane could tell if they were doing the right things or not. Initially, the meter wavered in the middle, then after a few moments of trying different angles and paces, saw that it began creeping up. The girl on the screen moaned and cried out in ecstasy, yelling for more.

This alone pushed Lane right up to the edge. They gripped the edge of the cushion as though it was the end of the bed and started hammering into the mount, feeling the tip of their pretend prick push into the back wall of the hole. Lane saw stars as they came, just as hard as the last one, even though it felt different this time. 

Blinking, they looked at the screen. The redhead was frowning and staring back at Lane. The dial was at zero. Whoops. They had clearly disappointed their game partner. Lane shifted their hips and saw the meter jump. At the same time, the delicious sensation Lane felt told them that they could definitely go again.

Lane kept playing. They got closer to making the partner cum, but to no avail. Lane kept trying. And trying. Not winning the game was one thing, but the crazy part was that Lane just kept on cumming. Every few minutes, Lane would get close to the top of the dial and then completely explode. 

So they would start over from the top. It kept going for a while, and Lane was wondering when either the game would kick them out or they would run out of steam. Finally, they felt a hand on their shoulder. It was Dahlia’s.

“Dang, maybe you should have played the multiple orgasms version! You’ve been going longer than I could!” Dahlia grinned as if she were proud of Lane. “I am going to see where my friends have gotten to. Are you going to stay here?”

“Oh! No, actually… actually I think I might have to go find my friend, too.” Lane ran a hand through their short, golden hair. It felt like coming out of a dream. “It was nice to meet you, have fun tonight.”

“Oh trust me, I have.” Dahlia laughed like bells again. She squeezed Lane’s shoulder and walked off, her round butt jiggling attractively.

Lane took a while to properly feel their legs again. They were a bit wobbly, walking around looking for Priya. Lane found a water dispenser where they could rehydrate, but no Priya. It seemed she was not going to be found at that moment, so Lane decided to walk around for a bit, clutching their clothes in one hand. Lane figured she had gotten bored waiting on them and went elsewhere. 

Although Lane was, very strangely, not too physically tired, they did get tired of looking for Priya and walked over to a spot with benches to take a seat. Oh, shit, they thought, looking down. The pinkish dildo was still attached to them, standing as erect as ever. Lane left it alone. They figured they would just drop it off on the way out, since the arcade was closer to the front of the building.

The bench they had found was right next to a small rock wall that sort of looked like it was made for children, based on the short height of it. As Lane looked at it, they realized it was more of a sex wall. The rock wall was not a straight vertical, but more of a rolling hill of rocks, which seemed to be made of the same silicone-like polymer Lane knew well, and it had all kinds of crevices, holes, and various outcroppings that were clearly made for some creative solo-fucking. 

They scanned the wall, trying to see what people there were trying out. Some were standing, others were straddling the rocks. It looked like fun. Toward the other end, there was one person also sitting on a bench, just watching the others. She had dark red hair and looked a little bored.


An hour later, more or less, if they had to guess, Lane was covered in sweat and was dripping excessively from between the legs. In the time between getting to the rock wall and now, they had just managed to cum a record-breaking six more times, something they could never have conceived of before. They got to use the borrowed dildo-from-heaven throughout the rest of their time at the Playground. It was all very exciting, but Lane realized that the toy had only so much battery life and was basically turning, Cinderella-like, back into a little plastic pumpkin. 

Lane, themself, was also fading. Whatever magic had overcome them earlier had disappeared, and Lane was starting to feel like their old, in bed by nine-o-clock self. They had put their clothes back on, dropped off the rent-a-dildo in a bin by the arcade, and staggered toward the entrance of Playground 51.

“THERE you are!” came a familiar, singsong voice.

Priya bounced up to Lane. Her dress was back on but her large, soft breasts pressed into Lane’s shoulder as she gave them a tight, two-armed hug from the side. Lane noticed it wasn’t actually too distracting or bothersome at this point. 

“Where’d you get off to?” Priya inquired. 

“Oh, I got off all OVER the place.” Lane laughed, amused at their own joke.

“Ha ha, yes yes, but seriously. I thought you left the arcade so I went to look for you. I mean, I wasn’t ONLY looking for you, I did have some fun, but still - I can’t believe I didn’t run into you at all!”

“I don’t know, I mean, technically you could have. The last place I was in was pretty dark.”

“Where was that? I was in the pool last.”

“There was a pool? Damn. I guess I’ll have to come back to check it out again, that sounds awesome.”

Priya smiled slyly at Lane. “I can see you really have been enjoying The Playground, haven’t you!” She poked Lane’s arm.

“I mean, yeah, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

“What could be bad about an adult playground where you don’t even have to worry about germs?!” Priya let out a stream of laughter as the two pushed through the front doors. By the sound of it, it was clear that she was giddy but tired.

“Well, you’re right. There really were a lot of fun things to do here.”

The two walked off to find a cab, but it wouldn’t be their last time at Playground 51.

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