
Theatre Royal

jeni   February 24, 2023   | 10464 Views
Slightly vulnerable to touching Tom with my clutch bag in one hand, containing merely a compact, lipstick, fon, Roger Gallette and a condom, always a good girl guide, and a glass of wine in the other. The increased helplessness accentuated a sense sensual beyond the stars. On the other hand maybe I should just tell Tom I’m wearing suspenders and stockings and save him the bother of finding out by himself, not as if he was my bloke. He belonged to my wild an extravagant BFF who scared me witless in those early days, never sure which direction we were about to career down. cheating

Adam led me up the new resplendent Theatre Royal staircase, my other hand naturally holding both my purse and the skirt of my lovely long dress up so as not to have some undignified trip from the hem. Ahead of us my BFF Lindsay hung onto her man Tom, simply another two couples on our way to see a beautiful performance of Coppelia.

                I felt fabulously sensual in red kickers and stockings and no doubt Lindsay’s purse would contain a condom. We smiled knowingly to each other in the remarkably empty foyer of the Dress Circle as we let the boys to go and get the drinks sorted.

                Slightly overdressed although totally happy with my JJ’s House sheath off-the-shoulder floor-length chiffon lace evening dress with Sequins and my newly blonde hair nicely tucked up into an attractive bun by Lindsay earlier that night. My drop dead gorgeous sapphire & cz teardrop drop earrings in sterling silver came at a very reasonable price and looked great along a sapphire blue necklace we found a couple of weeks back.

                With very little up top I could get away with braless, not so for my far better endowed BFF. She wore a trendy round neck floor length evening dress in burgundy and as ever looked totally gorgeous. What Lindsay could do with a fifty pound dress, I wish I’d her figure at least. She wore matching black bra and knickers along with black suspenders and stockings naturally. What else is a girl to wear when she is out trapping for the night?

                To world at large, ladies are we in the queue for the dress circle or the stalls? I pointed out to Lindsay, there’s even a lady over there in her jeans for heavens sake. Maybe we should use the term woman for her I suggested. Lindsay’s grin revealed she got my joke straight off, she always did.  We reassuringly caressed each other’s arm affectionately and smiled happily as the boys headed back towards with a couple of glasses of chardonnay. A sort of lovely moment smiles so everyone might notice our happiness.

                Maybe it was only me with issues on ladies wear as my eyes found another lady in chiffon I felt altogether happier. For gentlemen so easy, Adam looked fine in a shirt and tie. Ok, so a blazer and slacks not a suit he looked fine.  Not that I really had a thing for Adam, more just a good friend to whom I occasionally let kiss me.

                Slightly vulnerable to touching Tom with my clutch bag in one hand, containing merely a compact, lipstick, fon, Roger Gallette and a condom, always a good girl guide, and a glass of wine in the other. The increased helplessness accentuated a sense sensual beyond the stars. On the other hand maybe I should just tell Tom I’m wearing suspenders and stockings and save him the bother of finding out by himself, not as if he was my bloke. He belonged to my wild an extravagant BFF who scared me witless in those early days, never sure which direction we were about to career down.

                I dutifully listened in as Adam’s free hand mansplained the theatre heating system or was it the theatre system at the hospital, I couldn’t really tell. Engineering never a strong point I noticed Tom placed his free arm around Lindsay, no doubt happily exploring her underwear and as I nodded to Adam over my drink. Lindsay moved the small talk onto expectations on this very new production of Copellia and her previous involvement in ballet as a girl.

                Thank god Adam could show some self restraint as his hand dropped to his side and he asked if I had done the same. So I informed him of a previous tomboyish life involving football of all things and we all smiled as Lindsay and I exchanged a quick glance of our secret. I confessed to going to the Nutcracker in younger years with my sister Catriona and how I enjoyed a great deal more than her and how I would have loved being a member of the corps de ballet, only heels were bad enough. On points took serious effort and a lot of pain according to reports.

                Lindsay was happy to confirm the compression of the feet coupled to the entire pain element as an excellent excuse to give up dancing. We both loved dancing still, only the disco floor these days for both of us. I loved the costumes though, especially those dresses with the bustle. I rolled my eyes and declared my wish of being able to wear one of them someday, a not too subtle hint for Lindsay really. Totally jealous of the girls all wearing their pretty camisole tutu dresses. Lindsay joked about my having the right figure for one which I naturally rejected out of hand well aware of the true status of my figure.

                The bell thing sounded and we made our way to the circle all the while with great caution on getting high heeled sandals caught in my floor length dress and see down stairs almost a bad as going up. I noticed another lady with a floor length dress offering just ahead of us as Adam held the curtain aside for both me and Lindsay to pass.

                It rather reminded me of very fond moment of that first time a man held a door open for me. It had been a couple of year’s back, the sheer delight I took from the look on his partners face is firmly etched on my brain. I felt very sorry for him; I bet he got to know about it all later. He is probably still constantly reminded of the faux pas given the earnest features across her face and the look she gave to both him and me.

                Tom led the way to our seats and we settled down. I put my hand on Adam’s arm and he responded with a lovely smile which I naturally returned. Before the lights went down I was able to admire my elegant nails with the brand new stamps. I say brand new, a couple of days before Lindsay and I both got our nails done by an old friend from uni in Edinburgh. June owns Moi Beauty in Edinburgh out in Morningside and she and the rest of the girls are all so lovely. Another BFF for both us and we do insist on paying something. It was so nice to catch up with old times.              I mention it because in a couple of weeks I’m due back at work and they will have to go unfortunately. I don’t think the work can handle full on Jenny just now. Adam of course noticed and praised me how lovely they look and I told all about our train journey to Edinburgh and the bus up to Morningside for the makeover. Then all about the lovely boutiques and cafes that line the road on the way back to town. We even picked up some smelly cheeses from Mellies on the way.

                Ever the gentlemen Adam asked if that was when I got my lovely new dress. What this I replied picking up a piece of the chiffon material? His eyes looked so hopeful, suddenly I realised my power to inflate or deflate a man, yes indeed I replied. His eyes had almost popped out of his head when I came into the sitting room earlier. Tom’s jaw dropped as well and Lindsay’s look was confirmed later in the taxi. Sat together in the back of the cab with the boys eyes all over us she whispered in my ear, Jessie’s dress two, Lindsay’s nil. Jealous or what! Right now Adam appeared happy with my little white lie, as I let my knees fall over to beside his huge thighs, in a funny way I could sense a feeling relief he’d got something right. He was so much at my beck and call, not the most handsome and a few pounds above fighting weight, proper legit mine.

                He took me to dinner one night and I can’t say it came as any surprise to discover Lindsay encouraged him to do so, she told him I’d say yes despite his misgivings. He even walked me home that night to the flat Jenny had grown up in. The very flat where Lindsay was prone to use the word Jessie rather than Jenny. I even let him kiss me before leaving him on the doorstep although I did discover that smell of man. I could smell it again as I nestled closer to him, surprisingly agreeable. OMG where did that spring from, Princess Mia’s Diaries I guessed.

                Still, if Lindsay was encouraging him who was I to stand in her way and I smiled nicely over him at my BFF on his other side, bitch! I never stood a chance after that first time I wore one of her bras. Hopefully, Adam would be getting a full dose of my Roger Gallette. Needless to say Lindsay had not been best pleased to see come home alone that night. The lights dimmed and the two grey figures of Coppelia appeared.

                I thought give her a run for her money, she had set me up for this, loved my nails as well, such a shame to lose them so soon. Adam seemed to like the touch of them. See this being a girl and men taking you to dinner and the theatre, fabulous. Something I told Lindsay from the very beginning. How often had she said I could only become a ‘real woman’ once I’d been fucked. Lindsay flirts outrageously all the time when we first met, still does all the time, only I failed to realise it was all meant for me, or was at that time.

                Nothing more than a young trainee Air Traffic Controller more than a little intimidated by this trainee midwife and her friend June. They seemed to have a certain confidence with each other with scrawny me as the butt of their jokes. I certainly lacked a great deal of confidence in my persona at the time. A little scared to reveal my true self to anyone as it happens. My love of the colour of smart clothes accompanied by beautiful textures for instance lay in wait of discovery.

                We used to hang out at this pub on Byres Road. I say we, our crowd, some Heli pilots, policemen, Uni types. I suppose most of us were trainees in a lot of things including medicine. One night this vision appeared in this broad checked black and white mini skirt. Smart, witty and apparently full of confidence and quite happy to be the centre of attention. Lindsay MacDonald possesses a wonderful imagination, sense of humour and is totally wild and I love her for it.          I would not have been here at the Theatre Royal except for her bravery to face the unconventional and her willingness to share her bra with me. I’ve loved every minute of our journey and adventure, best thing that ever happened to me. Although, these days we do most things with me using with my own bra as hers are actually too big for me in one sense but not the other. The ladies out there will know what I mean. For the boys I needed to use the last hook on her bra if that helps any.

                A week later she was there again in the same broad checked mini skirt; soon I managed to borrow the skirt as well, only I never looked as hot in it as she did. Anyway I was going to say I cracked a joke about winning this sports match recently and became so excited I threw the ball into the crowd, seems that my actions upset the bowling fraternity. I mean not a side splitter; although one might not know from the uproarious reaction I received from Lindsay and June. From the start Lindsay and I shared this fabulous sense of humour as we people watched. We see something and both laugh and leave June to wonder what the hell happened. Hence how the lady in jeans merited the designation of woman instead of lady and you get the idea of the sense of humour we both share.

                When took up the part time job in the bar I thought it was to supplement her income for college rather than a means whereby she could keep an eye on me. Apparently I’d seen her but not yet looked at her. My expertise in flirting certainly missing after I spent too long at a boy’s only boarding school perhaps. Adam took my tiny hand into his massive hand. As a youngster I was very accustomed to everyone towering over me so no surprise that with my heels on Adam now only towered three inches over little me and five inches over Lindsay.                 

                I’ve no doubt Lindsay would help Adam through me down over the bed once she’s had her fill of Tom. As the entrance earlier demonstrated to attraction of men to me in a skirt or dress has never been an issue. Well when I say never an issue there are men who should mind their own business, the girls will know what I mean. Generally speaking it is nice to be noticed like the man with the disgruntled partner. It is how to distract from the object of their interest that is the issue. The OMG find something interesting on the Fon; please keep him away from me, that sort of thing.

                So here is Adam, boiling over in his jacket. I’m quite warm with my off the shoulder JJ dress and could lose the stockings. Adam is transferring body heat through our hands and up my arm and strangely he still smells OK. The familiar piece of Copellia is still recognizable and I tap my heels to the music. There had been a groovy bit earlier I didn’t recognise when the corps de ballet gave it the full like hip movement disco dancing and Lindsay and I looked at each other and rocked in our seats in unison with poor old Adam stuck between us. Lucky Adam!

                The ballet of one hour twenty had no interval but it did come as a surprise to notice my other lady in chiffon had to leave. Clearly no planning on her part and so she missed the great bit when all the girls were on stage in the two piece sort of bikini like costumes and pink bob cut hair pieces. One or two of the girls seem too tall for ballerinas and then they lift the solo male principle above their heads and carry him across the stage. This is followed by a dance on points and I notice some of them are taking the same feminine steps with delicate hand movements on tip toe. Then I noticed the body shapes of the taller ones were all wrong and I realised the true nature of this corps de ballet.

                When they take their bow during a stand up ovation it is clear from the body shapes that the majority are female and Lindsay captures my eye, her glance back to the stage and then over to me sends the message loud and clear. Tom and Adam notice nothing, but then men rarely do as we fully know. Nor do they notice the girl in the chiffon dress on the street, alone apparently typing into her mobile phone, to find her partner perhaps?

                The use by the boys of cab gave a strong clue to their intention to imbibe post ballet. I resisted the offer of Adam’s jacket as I clipped along the street in my lovely black sandal four inch heels, for one it was not that cold, no point in freezing the poor soul to death. Molly Malones turned out to be only just down the street, though they should have planned it better. Slightly overdressed for the dress circle became OTT for this man’s pub. Plenty enough girls in there and cocktails, but see heaving oneself in a floor length dress up a couple of wooden steps and twisting elegantly into a cubicle of sorts was not only impossible it was not the sort of sophisticated both of us had in mind. If these boys wanted a fuck they were going to have to up their game, my condom was staying in my bag.

                At least we were in agreement about Tom’s proposal to move onto a nightclub her hands in unison gesturing down the bodice of her dress along with an exasperated duh and twist of the head. It seemed like a change of plan for us all was in order, no doubt for Lindsay something along the lines of back to the flat and my losing my virginity right up Lindsay’s street. Only she knew part of the picture unless Adam had told her of further meetings between Adam and me. Self-conscious Adam also worked shifts like me, in his case at Gartnavel General so some kind of maintenance engineer so we could meet up during the week.

                Adam’s twenty nine year old requirements in life are quite simple; a pretty girl on his arm gave him all the required street cred. The word Geek was a useful adjective for him, Coppelia not really his thing. Very good at what he knew, sharp comebacks from Lindsay went over his head. So all this meant I could pop my wedding and engagements rings on and we could parade around town as a married couple. He would even carry my shopping for me. Didn’t take us long to come to an arrangement whereby after work say  I could send him a text at short notice, then go round and pick him up in the car, so we could go to say Sainsbury’s on south side to get just the weekly messages.

                He would dutifully look after the trolley as I hummed and ahhed over the groceries and enjoy floating backwards in say smart pencil skirt, sometimes I like to wear a hobble skirt with heels. Important to look good and give him the boost of the pretty woman, fawn over him and firmly direct his every move.

                I just loved traipsing him through ladies wear and pausing over the makeup to get his opinion, get him bright red, so much fun really. Hold various tops and skirts across my body, we even progressed to trying things on and my coming out of the cubicle to gain his opinion on say a nice floral dress and then not even buy it, just enjoy the moment of being admired in it.         Then came the moment he bought a skirt for me. I prevaricated over the selection, tried on several skirts and sought his opinion on each, the whole process of manipulating him into a position where he is supposedly persuading me to accept this gift of a skirt. Love one skirt but worry about the cost so he can tell me not to worry, so then I can transfer the process by asking for his preference for me and then go ‘do you think so’? All that sort of married stuff for the girls will appreciate. I cautioned him to use the collective wording; we’ll take that, to increase his sense of belonging to me.

                His reward, the occasional kiss on the cheek, I might even allow him to take me to a café somewhere for coffee and cakes, to show me off, we would do garden centres and the like. Never demanding almost overpolite he always tried to pay for gifts and I positively adored the way every door opened magically in front of me. He knew how to look after a woman.

                My dreams held a place for Adam as my cuckold to remain loyal to the cuckoldress; he is dedicated to meeting her needs no matter how humiliating he finds the process, in fact, the more humiliating the greater the high. The principle of the cuckold may not be allowed to participate in “any” sexual act including solo-masturbation, unless given permission by the cuckoldress felt very attractive ladies. She could if she wished choose to ensure this by placing her partner’s penis in a chastity belt and wearing the key on a chain around her neck as a public symbol of his lowly position in her life, a declaration of her superiority if you will.

                The other men that the cuckoldress may choose for her lovers are referred to as “bulls.” The cuckoldress may have one or two bulls for a long period of time, or as many as she desires, and at her discretion. The cuckold must learn to embrace emasculation and humiliation at the hands of his queen. If the cuckoldress allows the cuckold to directly participate in her sexual experiences it is usually for the purpose of furthering his sexual humiliation. For example, she may force him to have sex with one of her bulls.

                I’ve not yet placed Adam in restraint, early days in his training. I’ve hinted that I might and his reaction to date merely satisfactory. He needs to understand the requirements and ask me to do that small favour for him. He needs to place himself at my disposal in a sort of what can I do to please you today Mistress Jenny. We could start with the where and when to use the term ‘Mistress’, his tone and manner correct. I expect it will take some time to perfect and then we take it from there.

                My BFF Lindsay knew about all that sort of stuff. For her sex is all about simple pleasures, the idea of love and children, are something entirely different. As for the fidelity of marriage, something she can discard as the mood takes her. My thoughts are that that love and sex should be the same thing and that should I come to love Adam then sex should come naturally between us. For thoughts and ideas on love and sex send me a message at [email protected] I’d love to hear from you. If you are enjoying my story please let me know as well, so nice to share lovely memories with others.

                In the meantime Adam remains easy to distract and while the flat will not result in much success for Lindsay, I argued the boys were looking for somewhere to show their girls off in their pretty frocks. Now if Tom had thought he could have fucked both of us back at the flat the game was over. As things stood right then, Adam obviously declared his support for more showboating and drinking, while Tom sat on the fence. My proposal to go to Missoula down on Renfield Street and get some cocktails there, it’s not far away not overwhelmingly supported with a massive show of hands. At least a defeated Lindsay rolled her eyes in agreement.

                I suppose it looks OTT walking across the Asda carpark in broad daylight on a normal weekday morning in a hobble skirt hanging on to Adam’s arm. I get so much more enjoyment from having Adam in tow. Might try Lindsay’s black and white mini skirt one more time and see what he thinks. If you’ve got it flaunt it and Lindsay and June have always agreed on my legs won the top prize every time. Strange that, better legs, and yet Lindsay way hot in that skirt in comparison to me, must be the lack of some decent hips to hang it on.

                We clip down the road again and it is quite chilly so I’ve Adam’s jacket over my shoulders, bless him. Missoula is not packed by any means and overdressed in our evening gowns we find a table over in the corner. I’m so jealous on how fabulous my BFF looks with her lovely bob cut dark shoulder length hair. We hum and aagh over the cocktail selections. Lindsay goes for the Tropical Rumbull, she would wouldn’t she? I elect for the lovely blue coloured Under the Sea based on Gin.

                Almost half way through my under the sea and Lindsay sets about ordering ‘I don’t think you’re ready for this berry’ for both of us, her intent to get me laid not diminished by her failure to get me back to the flat with Adam. A very pretty pink coloured cocktail in a super champagne couple containing Tanqueray blackcurrant royal gin, Cointreau, cranberry and lime juice. Might well have to play my too much by way lifestyle changes card. With my return to work less than two weeks away we should think more carefully about the loss of my virginity.

                Not a true loss of virginity in the strictest sense. We're sat in the multicoloured corner cubicle with one hand tucked in behind her exploring her underwear under the dress. Like me knickers over the top of suspenders, so just whip her knickers off and shag her all with her dress heaved up and still wearing her stockings and heels, four inch patent black court heels for the aficionados of dress wear. I found her way more attractive than Adam as my other hand gently caressed the top of his. He would dutifully report the loss of my virginity to him at any time I commanded, so sweet really, so patient with me. I gave his hand a little squeeze of encouragement, such a pity to lose my beautiful extensions so soon.

                Lindsay would see through such a deception by Adam and me with ease. You see our secret is sacrosanct with up till now only a very few people were aware or part of our mutual trust for each other. Our implicit loyalty, despite appearances, to each other, after all we are an item, Lindsay and I, in a very conventional sense. Lindsay is Mrs Lindsay Ross while Adam knows me as Mrs Jenny Whitingham. I say very few, obviously many people including my work know us both as Mr and Mrs J Ross. My alternative persona with a love of sequins and sparkle, where I’ve adopted her maiden name in respect to her is less well known.

                My BFF is quite happy for me to lose my virginity to another man I not sure Adam will be over the moon about sticking his dick up my bum. As for her imploring me to give him a blow job? I suppose she has done the same for me and feels I would then be complete as a woman.

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