
Dirty Little Girls

Jo-Anne Wiley   April 24, 2015   | 470353 Views
They were thinking they had found a private spot to spread their blanket. It was so close to where Beth sat among the sea oats, that she could hear the kiss. The laughter abruptly stopped, replaced by soft murmurings. Beth stiffened; listened intently to the mouth noises; cheating
The sea oats lifted to the wind, lineal lines of gold rising along the dunes, carrying on from where the waves sacrificed themselves along the sand.

Beth walked the north beach where the crowds thinned out. Crowds were depressing. She sauntered between the sand dunes; nestled into a sunny spot, her book across bare knees. They came from the opposite direction: the two young girls, walking arm in arm. Two surf-bunnies, chattering gaily into each others faces. Pulling each other along. Joyful laughter rising from their lips. Beth watched as they strolled toward her, up between the dunes.

They were thinking they had found a private spot to spread their blanket. It was so close to where Beth sat among the sea oats, that she could hear the kiss. The laughter abruptly stopped, replaced by soft murmurings. Beth stiffened; listened intently to the mouth noises; watched in disbelief as the older girl toppled her friend onto the blanket and smothered her with her body. The younger girl closed her eyes and surrendered to the rotating pressure of hips. They lay in each others arms, their bodies brown as buckwheat honey and unaware of Beth sitting so close that she could hear the nuzzling.

Beth looked away, searching for an escape. It was ludicrous for her to spy on these girls, but to move, to try to slip away, would immediately reveal her spot, and her sinful indiscretion. So she watched, motionless, and listened to the sounds of intense kissing; the mouth-play. The sounds of sucking.

The younger girl had lost her swim-top and her lover was playfully gnawing at the smallish mounds. They looked like honey biscuits; each with it's own pink berry. And they glistened with the love from the others mouth.

Beth watched a trail of kisses being washed over a slim tummy and felt her own sexual stirrings. Her body was responding. She felt the moisture. She lifted slightly and her anus tightened. There seemed to be a hollowness and she looked around for something to fill the void. Anything! She thought of the tube of sun lotion in her bag. But couldn't. It wasn't what she craved. She had seen the long slim hands. Oh what she would do to that little girl, given half a chance. Beth dreamed of kneeling over that tight, youthful body and forcing those fingers all the way in. Force herself down until the girl's hand filled the cavity; all the way to the wrist! Beth shuddered at the thought. Closed her eyes.

And the other one? You can lick my ass, Beth thought. Drive a finger in there too. Fill me front and back. The heat came up from her legs and expanded her chest. To hell with it! Beth fumbled in her bag and came up with the tube of cream. She tore aside the crotch of her swimsuit and inserted the end. She was slathered in her own secretions and when she pushed, the whole tube disappeared up inside. Her fingers followed, driving the tube deeper until the hard cap was wedged against her uterus. She touched the clitoris and felt the wave of sensation.

Beth looked back to where the older girl was sliding swimsuit bottoms along slim thighs. The sparse pubic hair was blonde and immediately covered by lips and tongue. Slick fingers were working lower down. Beth was spellbound by the beauty of the rhythm. And the girl's unselfish desire to please. She was suddenly overcome by the innocence; and how it was so fragile. The emptiness returned and with it, a profound sadness. She was deeply embarrassed, shame igniting in her chest as she watched the playful lovemaking. She regretted tainting it with her own lecherous fantasy. She had turned everything dirty. Beth envied their youth, their innocent love game, life's adventure so fresh.

The younger girl's little nose wrinkled and her hips came up. There was an involuntary gasp. And then she started to laugh. The older girl leaned back smiling, her teeth incredibly white against her tan. Her chin; glistened. She leaned forward again, to lap up the last of the youngster's love-juices. They struggled up together and raced towards the surf; the older one pausing to jettison her suit along the way. It was a joyful vision of gangly legs and arms, of streaming blonde and cute round bottoms. The babies hit the water naked, full on, and fell into the swells.

Beth straightened her swimsuit and swiftly got to her feet. She slunk away around the backside of a sand dune. She would have to dig the damned thing out later.

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