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Literal internet meme needs to speak to the manager because her six-week-old computer will not power on. Karen gets all her problems solved by a young tech with a big cock.
I had only been working in the tech portion of our local, big box consumer electronics store for a few weeks. I started after high school graduation as a temp employee while I was on the Delayed Entry Program for the Army. I was waiting as apparently the school for Explosive Ordinance Disposal had a waiting line.
Maybe I was not your typical geek or nerd or whatever you wanted to call it, having started as middle linebacker qnd starting catcher for the baseball team, but I loved tech and had excelled in all computer related labs in school.
What I wanted more than computers, I wanted adventure too, so I thought Army. My dad had been in for six years as an Airborne Infantryman and went with me to the recruiters. With his guidance I got what I wanted; it did not hurt that my ASVAB was extremely high according to the recruiter. I figured I would learn the craft, then find a job with one of the bigger bomb disposal teams for a city police department.
I was standing over by the TV’s with Henry, one of the associates in that area when she came in.
“Aw, shit man. Karen’s here.”
“Who is Karen?”
“You know that internet meme Karen? The let me speak to your manager Karen?”
I nodded.
“We have our very own, down to the name and haircut.”
I laughed, “no way dude.”
He pointed to a lady who looked about forty with that haircut and she looked pissed.
“Oh, wow dude.” I now was trying not to laugh out loud.
“She buys shit all the time then comes in bitching about everything she buys. Best part,” he looked at me, “her name really is Karen.”
“Oh, come on dude.”
“For reals, Hommie.”
I headed up toward the tech counter as she stood in line looking like she was about to have a stroke her face so red. I also noticed if she smiled, she would be pretty. Hell, she would be a MILF. I heard Shell, one of the associates at the counter, call for Robbie to the counter over the P.A.
Robbie was our store manager who was now making his way up from the back. I could see him coming and he was pulled aside by Henry. You could see Robbie anywhere in the as he is 6’7”. I was 6’2” and I felt short around him.
I could tell by the look on his face that Henry must have told him ‘our Karen’ was here. He looked defeated before he even made it to the counter.
“Fifty-Seven,” Shell called clicking the customer counter as she did, and Karen stepped to the counter.
“How may-“
Karen cut her off, “That piece of junk computer you sold me six seeks ago won’t turn on!”
“Ma’am did you make sure it was plugged in,” Shell asked?
Yes, I understand it is an insulting question for those of you reading this. However, it is one of the most common problems people face when their computer will not come on. That is why in pretty much every electronics manual there is it says make sure it is plugged in, has batteries, etc.
Karen looked like she was going to need EMS, like she would stroke out as her eyes narrowed.
“You little…,” She bit it off. “Let me speak the manager,” Karen demanded.
Robbie stepped forward looking like he had rather been stabbed in the balls that deal with Karen. To me, the madder she got the more I thought what my dad had told me a few months ago about angry women.
Mom had been being kind of bitchy for a few days to all of us. I had come home from practice and heard mom snap at dad in the kitchen, then it got suddenly quite I walked into the kitchen to see what no one should ever see. Dad had mom bent over the table, pounding her. I turned and ran out of the house. Yeah, I knew my mom and dad had sex, but I did not need to see it.
A few days later, after trying to avoid them both, dad caught me sneaking into the kitchen for food. I had been avoiding dinner since the incident.
I was bent over, head in the fridge, and I jumped hearing dad’s voice.
“Son, sometimes when a woman is bitchy you just got to give her attitude a little adjustment.”
I was just staring at my dad who had a smile on his face.
“Not all the time, you have to learn the difference. You know what I’m saying?”
I nodded, even though I did not understand what he meant.
“I hate that you had to see that, but a man has to learn; sometimes when a woman is bitchy, she needs cock.”
I suddenly lost my appetite and tried to walk away.
“Travis look at me.”
I did.
“Some day you will be faced with it, so you need to know it. Let her get all riled up then give it to her. Notice your mom has been as pleasant as spring shower since that day?”
I nodded again.
“Good. Now I expect to see you at dinner tomorrow night. Your mother feels shamed at what you saw. I need you to make her understand that you do not shame her. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes sir.”
“Good. Glad we had this little talk.”
I swallowed my pride and came straight home the next day and hugged mom telling her how much I loved her. After that all was normal.
So, the more Karen looked angry, the more I thought she needed a serious fucking.
“Don’t ma’am me Robert Simmons! I need my computer to work. I paid almost twenty-five-hundred dollars for it. I paid for the extended warranty and repair plan. So fix it!”
“Ma’am, you have to bring it in for us to take a look at it.”
If looks were matches, Robbie would have been incinerated. Karen now had her phone out talking to someone who had just called.
“No,” she said to someone on the line. “They say I have to bring it in. I cannot lift that big ass computer! She listened again the shouted at her phone, “You are as useless as them,” then hung up her phone.
Her anger now even hotter, she starred at Robbie. “I want it fixed,” she demanded.
“Stop Ma’aming me.”
“Ok. We can not send someone to your house to fix it without you filing a request with by calling our warranty number. It could take several says.”
I almost laughed; her eyes looked like she was looking to the back of her head she rolled them so hard.
I don’t know why I spoke up, but I did.
“Robbie, I’m off in an hour and a half an hour. I could go look at her PC off the clock so no overtime.”
Looking at me still just as angry. “Well, finally a young man who knows what the right thing is to do,” Karen said.
Robbie looked at me questioningly like are you sure, so I nodded.
…Looking at Karen, I spoke, “Ms.?”
“Karen Smith.”
Oh god how could she be any more of an internet meme, I thought.
“Ms. Smith. If you want, I’d be more than happy to stop by and check out your PC. If it is indeed something, I cannot fix I will bring it to the store for you.”
I almost got a smile. Almost.
“Here this is my address” She wrote it down. “Are you sure you can find it?” She had that look of about to go off again.
“Yes ma… I mean yes Ms. Smith I will put it into my GPS and be there by six thirty.”
She nodded, not even a thank you and spun on her heel and left. Soon as she went out Robbie let out a huge sigh. A couple of employees and even a few customers clapped.
Robbie headed to the back looking relived. I also noticed Shell was smiling at me.
She nodded to my crotch. Apparently, I had gotten a raging boner pushing the leg of my slacks out and not noticed. I guess it was from thinking about Karen bent over getting an attitude adjustment. I know I went red.
“Kassie can you break me a minute?”
Kassie came to the counter. “Come with me,” Shell whispered as she walked by.
I followed her through the store trying to hide my boner. Shell was about twenty-two I guessed, and a Lead Associate, so I figured I might be getting in trouble for the boner. We went out the back door.
“Trav, you’re eighteen, right?”
“Uh yeah why?”
Shell grabbed me and kissed me hard and deep. Fuck! My cock was really throbbing now. Shell found out how hard when she grabbed and squeezed it.
I had never been kissed the way she was kissing me. It left both of us breathless.
“Huge cock for a nerd,” she smiled.
I guess Shell saw me swallow hard.
“You aren’t,” she leaned in. “I mean you’ve done it right?”
“Yeah,” I managed a whisper.
“Ok, you are not really a nerdy nerd; you’re a jock. But a nerdy jock is hottest.” she said and kissed me again her hand rubbing my cock.
By now my hands found her ass and I was kissing back.
“Good,” Shell said. “I was afraid you weren’t interested, and I was molesting a baby.”
“A baby?”
“Well I’m twenty-eight so yeah.”
“No way, you’re… well, so sexy.”
Not that twenty-eight is old, just I thought she was maybe twenty-two. Sexy as fuck, she was petite with long electric blue hair down to her ass and big tits… for a girl her frame.
“Good. Friday night why don’t you come hang out at my apartment with me and my roommate?”
“Yeah, Jenna. She will love your big cock too. I don’t think my hand will go around it,” she panted and kissed me again.
“Gotta go in, sorry for leaving you hard, but I will make it worth your while Friday. Ever had two girls?”
I shook my head no.
“You will stud. Can’t let your ship off to the Army without having that experience.” Just like that she went inside, leaving my cock aching.
It took me a few minutes to calm everything down… know what I mean and went back inside. Back at the counter they told me to go back and see Robbie in his office. Shit, I thought he had seen Shell and I.
I knocked on his door frame.
“Hey Trav, come on in.”
“One. Thank you for deescalating Karen.”
I nodded.
“Two. You sure you want to do this?”
“Yeah, no sweat, it’s probably not plugged in.”
“Yeah, man she’s a ball breaker.”
I laughed.
“Oh, nothing. Just something my dad says.”
“Let’s hear it.”
“Oh it’s NSFW.” I told him.
“No man it’s ok, go ahead let’s hear it.”
“Dad’s theory is she probably needs a good pounding.”
“Yeah, probably right up her tight asshole.” Robbie said laughing. “Take an extra power cord with you too and hell, a power strip. If it works, I will gladly give her either to keep her out of here.”
Back upfront I noticed Shell, Kassie, and Jin all giggling and smiling as I walked up. I just knew they were talking about me the way they were looking and smiling, and I felt the heat all over my face as I made like I was straightening the bins behind the counter.
I was about to stand up when Kassie bent down.
“Hey Trav, have you ever fucked a black girl?”
I just shook me head and tried to will my cock down. It was already starting to get hard. Kassie was a frigging goddess in my opinion, even hotter than Shell.
“You will before you leave.” She whispered so close the warm air from her breath gave me goose flesh and made the hair on my neck tingle, then she was gone.
I stood facing the wall trying to let my cock go down. Finally making it, I turned to the counter to see Shell smiling. Jacob caught her smile too.
“What you smiling at?”
“Oh nothing Jacob. Just thinking about the plans my roommate and I have this weekend?”
“Oh? Hot plans?” Jacob asked.
“Smoking hot.” Shell said and walked off.
“She’s so fucking hot.” Jacob said watching Shell walk off. “You’ve seen her roommate?”
“Dude, almost as hot as Shell. Too bad they don’t like guys.”
“Yeah man, every dude in here has hit on Shell and she just says sorry not my type.”
“Maybe she likes jocks, Jacob.”
He laughed. “Yeah right, Shell is a nerd. A hot nerd but a nerd. She likes gaming, D&D, stuff like that.”
“Well I’m no woman expert.”
“Hell no. You are just a kid. Man take it from me, that girl don’t like men.”
“Ok Jacob, you the man.” I said.
‘She may not like men, but she likes cock,’ I was thinking to myself. I was glad Brianna broke up with me before graduation. She said she could not stay in a relationship since I was “Going off to blow myself up.”
I clocked out. Robbie had a bag with power cord for her computer and a nice big surge protector.
“You sure, Trav?”
“Yeah, no sweat. See you guys tomorrow.”
I headed out to my truck, stripping out of my work shirt to my t-shirt. I Plugged in the address in my GPS to Karen’s house. Finally, I just sat a minute and died laughing to myself in the truck. Fuck she was the ultimate internet meme or what. From the haircut to the name, Henry was right. Too bad, I thought with a smile. A different attitude, she would be a beautiful woman. Oh well off I went to her house.
Karen’s address was in a gated community with a security booth. The officer at the gate eyed me wearily when I pulled up.
“What’s your business here, son?”
“I am here to work on Ms. Smith’s computer.”
“Oh? She did not leave word. I will have to call.”
I waited and could not help laughing when I heard her yell at him over the speaker phone. “Well! Let him in!”
“Good luck fella,” He said, rolling his eyes when he opened the gate.
I found her address. Whoa, what a big ass house. Not a mansion by any means but they were apparently well, and I mean, Well Off.
I rang the bell, a few seconds later Karen opened the door. Fuck, my cock almost jumped. Karen was wearing what appeared to be a silk, knee length black gown and matching robe. I would guess you would call it a robe; open and over the gown, glass of wine in hand.
“Punctual I see, that’s an enduring quality in a young man.” She said, opening the door. She still had a bit of a frown, like something may have smelled bad, but the anger was gone.
“Thank you. Ma… Ms. Smith.”
Letting out a chuckle, “you can just call me Karen, hun. Sorry I was a bit gruff earlier today.” She said closing the door and headed, I assumed, to where the computer was. We ended up in the kitchen so she could refill her wine glass.
“Pretty quiet fella, aren’t you?”
“Uh… Sorry. I never saw the inside of a house this big.”
“No ma… Karen. My dad is in construction so we can’t afford anything like this.”
“Be glad, my husband is in corporate real estate and always gone. While this house has luxury, sometimes this place is a tomb. The kids are never here most of the time.”
I saw a family photo on the fridge.
“Oh wow you are Misty’s mom, aren’t you?”
Here eyes narrowed a bit. “I am.”
“Oh, I just recognized her in the picture.” I said pointing at the fridge. “She was in my class.”
“Oh? You just graduated?”
“Yes ma’am. Um sorry.”
Finally, she smiled and I was right, it was pretty.
“Don’t be, your mom and dad raised you right. So, what is your name?”
“Travis Rhodes. Everybody calls me Trav.”
“Oh… I see, so you were the star starting linebacker at school?”
“I don’t know about star.”
“I went to all the home games since she cheered, I’ve seen you play and on the news. You are very good too. So, you off to college soon?”
“Uh, no. Cannot afford that. I’m headed into the Army in a few months.”
“Oh? I figured you got a scholarship.”
“No, only a partial and not really what I wanted to do anyway.”
“So what are you going to do in the Army?”
“Ordinance Disposal.”
“What’s that, Trav?”
“Oh sorry, bomb squad basically. So, um… Where’s your PC?”
Karen laughed a little. “Sorry. It’s nice to have someone to talk too. I almost forgot why you were here. Would you like a drink?” She held up her glass.
“No thank you. I’m not old enough.”
“Yes of course.”
She led me upstairs. My god, her ass was amazing and her calves, the way her heels made them look as we went up. I was fairly sure she busted me looking at her ass on the way up, but she did not say anything.
“In here.” she said, leading me into a bedroom.
“Since I moved the hubby to his own room, I have room for a desk in here.”
I guess I was looking surprised and shocked at being in her bedroom.
She laughed a bit. “It’s ok Tiger. I won’t bite you while you’re in here.”
I swallowed a major lump and sat down.
“Unless you want me to…” she said, dragging her hand across my shoulders.
I saw out of the corner of my eye she went into what I assumed was a bathroom. I let a sigh out of relief and my boner was now betraying me. As I sat, I tried the power. Nothing. Then I knelt under the desk, looking. The power strip switch was off. I clicked it back on and sat back in the chair, powering the system on.
I waited a few minutes. She was still in the other room.
“I got it, Karen.” I called to her.
“Excellent. I will be out in a few minutes.”
“There are some updates pending. Would you like me to install them for you?”
“Oh, would you be a doll and do it?” Her head peaked out the door. “And don’t look in the folder called Office Supplies,” she said with a smile and ducked back in. I heard the shower come on, so it was the bathroom.
“I will be out in a couple I promise. Don’t leave yet.”
Updates were completed in about five minutes. I could not help it, I had to look in the folder, while listening for the shower to stop. Fuck me. Probably twenty pictures of her, you could tell taken with a selfie stick, her wearing lingerie. Nothing I would consider porn but fucking hot. My cock felt like it was leaking in my slacks. Fuck I shut it down and headed to the kitchen contemplating leaving and trying unsuccessfully to will my cock down.
She was down in probably three minutes; different robe and tied. She filled her glass. “Sorry Trav, I needed to freshen up a bit. Was a hot one today.” She said, sipping her wine.
I may be eighteen, but I knew what she had going through her head, so I needed to excuse myself and quick.
“I… I should be going.”
“Tell me Trav, did you look in that file?” She asked, cocking her head and smiling while coming around the corner of the center island.
Do I lie or tell the truth I wondered, but she stepped close to me quickly, and looked down between us then back up into my eyes?
“Naughty boy. So, did you look or is this,” she dragged her nails across my cock giving me goose flesh, “from checking out my ass on the way up?”
I swallowed hard and just nodded.
Karen had a big smile now.
“I’m glad you liked the pictures. I took them for my husband… but that seemed as fruitless as he is.”
“Uh… they were amazing.”
Karen brushed her nails against my cock again, making it jump.
“So, what was wrong with the PC?”
“Power strip switch was flipped off.”
“I feel so stupid, Trav. I guess they will really make fun of me next time I come in.”
“I won’t tell.” I managed to croak out.
“Now if I could only be sure… Maybe you need a bribe.”
An arm went around my neck, pulling me to her ‘til her lips almost met mine. Her green eyes sparkled. “You want a bribe, Trav?” Her voice was full of lust.
“I don’t need one.” I managed.
“Not what I asked.” She pulled me to her lips pressing them to mine.
I thought I was fairly good at trying to resist until her tongue met mine. I dropped the sack with cords in them. Hands under her ass I picked her up and felt her breath catch into our kiss.
“Don’t worry. Nobody will be home tonight.” she said and kissed me again.
Finally setting her down, her hand ran the length of my cock. Her eyes went wide. “Fuck! It’s true.”
“What’s true?”
“I heard Misty on the phone with a friend of hers saying there was a guy in her class who had a ten-inch cock.”
I laughed, “not me. I’m just under nine.” I felt the heat in my face because I had just told her I had measured it.
“Travis, I want to fuck you. I am not playing; I have wanted to fuck you since you got here. Please fuck me. It’s been so long.”
“I can’t stay too long though.”
“Oh god I forgot you are a baby.”
“Mom likes me home by midnight, not that I have a curfew.”
“I will have you home by then.”
My hand caressed her cheek, “You know when you smile you are one the most beautiful women I’ve seen.”
“Oh stop.” Her cheeks flushed. “You already can have it if you want it.”
“I meant it, and I do want it.”
I felt her melt into me and kiss me again.
Upstairs in her room we stood and the end of the bed kissing, she ripped my t-shirt up and I got it off.
“My god look at those abs.” She said, pushing me back and onto the bed.
I scooted up the bed, Karen followed to straddle me.
“Trav, I bet you want to make love, don’t you?”
“It crossed my mind,” I admitted.
“I thought so, the way you kissed me. It was tender and gentle. I want to fuck, not make love. I promise if you fuck me, I will make love to you next time.”
“Next time.”
Leaning over me and kissing me softly. “Next time, baby. I promise. I need to be fucked hard.”
“I can do that.”
She sat up, undoing her robe letting it hang open. My cock jumped. She was naked underneath. Sitting up to kiss her, my hands went in her robe and found her big soft tits.
“Fuck.” I groaned as I squeezed them.
Karen sat up squeezing my hands making them massage her breasts. “Ever had double D’s?”
I shook my head no.
“Not as perky as they once were,” she said and shrugged her robed off it collecting around her hips as she sat on me.
“Perfect” I said releasing them; seeing them in all their glory. They were only hanging a little bit.
Karen went to work on my belt then yanked my pants down finding no undies. “Commando. Isn’t that what you guys call in now days?”
Laughing I nodded.
Tugging my pants down my cock sprang out, almost hitting her chin. I always loved the look on a girl’s face when they first saw it. The wide-eyed expression with an O shape to their mouth.
She tried to wrap her fingers around my shaft, and they would not quite make it. “My fucking fingers won’t go around it.” She said looking up and me still wide eyed.
I pulled her up to me, “I bet that pussy will stretch around it, though.”
Smiling. “Such a naughty boy. Gonna fuck the mean ol lady who comes in the store.”
“Maybe you just need a good fucking to help you attitude.”
She was straddling my cock, rubbing her bare pussy up and down the length. Fuck she was so hot and wet.
“Now that is not something an eighteen-year-old boy comes up with on his own. I bet an older gentleman told you that, didn’t he?”
“Yes ma’am. My dad.”
“Mmm I bet he takes good care of your mom.” She said. Karen laughed at the face I made.
“Sorry.” She leaned forward, kissing me. “I’m the only momma you need to be thinking about right now. Do you want to be a naughty boy for me?”
“Yes what,” she asked looking into my eyes?
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Mmmm, fuck yes.” She moaned and ground her pussy along my cock.
Reaching between us she guided my cock head to her lips and pushed. “Agh FUCK!” she moaned as the head went in.
“Easy Ma’am, don’t hurt yourself.”
Her smile and groaning as she slowly pushed down the length had me throbbing. “My fucking god,” she said sitting up right, all my cock in her.
I was moaning too. “So tight.”
“I haven’t been fucked in over a year.”
“Then fuck my cock.”
“God yes,” she moaned riding up then back down only taking me half in as she came down at first then pushing to the bottom as she grew accustomed to the fit..
Her gorgeous breasts bouncing, such light pink nipples that were so long. I rubbed her nips causing her to sink further down on it.
“I’m gonna…,” her breath caught and, “Gahhh,” she started cumming and cumming, I felt her dripping down my balls.
“Fuck me,” Karen whimpered.
I rolled us over, still in her, and drove deep into her. Biting my shoulder and digging the nails from one hand into my back and the other into my ass causing me to push harder into her, I felt her pussy tense again.
“That’s it cum again for me.”
She nodded biting my shoulder and unloaded, me driven as deep as I could be. I kissed her as she shook, all the while uttering guttural sounds.
I kissed her softly as her explosive orgasm passed, her pussy releasing some of its grip, her eyes rolling back and a smile on her face.
“God that’s a lot of cum. You really unloaded into me.”
“That’s all you.”
“I did not cum. That’s all you.”
Her went eyes wide, “Oh my god. I was cumming so hard I did not realize it was not you too, Baby.”
“You did say you wanted to be fucked and I haven’t really started fucking you yet.”
“Oh fuck!” Smiling, she pulled my ear to her lips. “I wanna be real naughty too, is that ok Trav?”
I nodded.
Karen whispered. “Momma needs her naughty boy to fuck Momma’s pussy until he breeds her.”
Fuck, my cock jumped in her and suddenly felt like iron to me.
I drew back slowly and rammed my cock deep in her causing her to gasp and scream.
“Is that what Momma needs.” I asked ramming her pussy hard?
“God yes!! Travis, fuck Momma’s pussy harder.”
I gave it my all until she came again, then she gave me a squirt, the first I had experienced.
Karen was panting. “Naughty Boy! More!”
I hammered and she went into a fit; screaming, digging her nails and raking them along my back causing me to pump as hard as I could.
My balls almost sounded like my hand smacking her ass. I had never fucked anything close to like this before. Most girls would shy away from it. Oh, they would get brave up front and say pound me but then give up. Karen kept begging.
“Punish Momma’s naughty pussy!!
“Oh fuck.” I groaned.
“Yes baby, breed me. Breed my pussy!”
I shoved my cock deep as I could, digging my toes into the mattress. Karen wrapped her arms and legs around me holding me tight. Fucking shit. Her mature pussy milked my cock dry. I mean every drop.
I collapsed on here and slid off.
“You ok,” I panted.
“Uh huh. I may not be able to walk straight for a week, but oh yeah, I’m fucking great.”
A few minutes later she crawled up on my chest.
“Don’t worry. I can’t have kids Trav.”
I nodded, thanking my stars.
“So, are you disappointed, Trav. What we did?”
“I assume I’m your first older woman.”
“You are and no I’m not. I’ve never experienced anything like that.”
“Honestly. Me either.”
“I met my husband in high school and have been with nobody but him.”
“Why me? Why now?”
“I have needs, he has a bimbo I know on the side. I just wanted to feel sexy.”
“You are sexy. Fuck me, you are.”
“I did fuck you.”
We were both laughing.
“I wish you could stay the night, but I know you can’t. Next time… I mean if you want a next time, I would love to make love to you, Trav.”
“I really would like that. But I only want to if you want to.”
“I do. Then if we see each other again… have you ever tried anal?”
“Give or receive?” I asked, causing us both to laugh again.
“Either.” she said, sitting up and looking at me with a smile.
“Never, either one.”
“I’d like to try. I’m forty-two and never tried it.”
“Oh god.”
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re the same age as…”
Karen laughed; “Oh I see. Well you were a naughty boy.” she said kissing me.
“Did Momma did get bred like she wanted?”
“Mmmm yes she did. Where’s your work shirt you had on at the store?”
“In the truck, I always wear a white t-shirt under it. Why?”
Her eyes were smiling as much as her lips.
“Can I keep your t-shirt and sleep in it?”
We held each other for a while then I cleaned up some in the bathroom, came out, and Karen was in my t-shirt.
“Sexy.” I said, kissing her.
I got the absolute best kiss I had ever had before I left.
Next morning, I was just out of the shower in my jeans and boots when mom knocked and opened my door. I had my back to her. I turned around, looked her, and she just walked out and shut the door.
Mom was not at breakfast when I came in, just dad reading his paper. Dad stayed old school and read his news in print.
Flipping the paper over as I sat down. “Travis, I don’t know what happened to you last night. You and I have had the father and son man talk, yes?”
I nodded.
“Please keep a shirt on around your mother until you are healed.”
“Healed, Dad?”
“According to your mother it looks like you were in a fight with a badger last night.”
I felt the heat in my cheeks remembering Karen had tore me up. “I will, Dad.”
I texted Karen on the way to the store. “Hey beautiful, thank you for an amazing night.”
“Hey sexy, thank you.”
They day was going along pretty good; Robbie had asked how it went. I told him she had a loose wire on the power supply. I kept my word making her not look silly.
A couple people came in at 11:00 asking for me and Shell called me over the PA.
“You Travis,” a guy asked?
“Ok tell them to bring it in.”
“Bring what in?”
Karen had sent sushi from P.F. Changs. Catered in for lunch for all of us.
I was sitting by Shell, eating. She leaned over. “Just how well did you fuck her?” She whispered.
I know I looked shocked.
“Relax, big guy. I’m not jealous. Friday you will get your mind blown… Along with other things blown.” she said and squeezed my cock.

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