
Jilted Milf Turns To Me For Satisfaction;

JERRY@LARGE   March 07, 2017   | 43865 Views
When her daughter, Ann eloped with her fiance, Amara is heartbroken but turns to Ann's grieving boyfriend for revenge and succor. cheating In 2014, I was dating a girl called Ann. She was a vivacious 19-years-old with ample boobs and a nice piece of ass. She wasn't much of a cutie but cool-looking with a constant smile on her face. Above all, she was quite generous to me with her pussy. She never turned me down whenever I wanted a piece of her tight pussy and that was like every other day for the six months or so we dated. Then one afternoon after missing Ann for three straight days, I decided to show up at her place. I just couldn't figure out why she had not called me for some days and her cell phone wasn't going through when I called. Her mom, Amara answered the door when I rang the bell but she slammed it on my face when she saw me. I was shocked as I couldn't figure out what was amiss. She had always been nice to me and always welcomed me to her house with open hands. Why would she slam the door on my face? Something was definitely wrong. I rang the doorbell again but there was silence. I waited for about a minute then rang it again. This time, Amara yelled from inside, “Go away Emeka; I don’t want to see you here. Get lost!” “I want to see Ann, Ma’am. Is she at home? Can I talk with her?” “Go away Emeka. Ann does not live here anymore and I don’t want anything to remind me of her.” I was more confused now and my heart beating fast. What happened to Ann? Acting on impulse, I rang the bell again and waited. Then the door swung open and Amara was standing there at the doorway beckoning me to come in. I hesitated then took a step forward and walked past her into the living room. A stench of alcohol wafted from her body as I walked pass her. I needed no one to tell me she was heavily drunk! No one would reek that much of alcohol without being so drunk. She slammed the door close with so much force that jolted me then walked towards me in unsteady gait and roughly grabbed my shirt. It seemed she literally bathed with the alcohol as I noticed patches of alcohol stain all over the white tops she wore over her jeans skirt. How did that happen, did she spill the bottle or what? “Where’s Ann ma’am? I came to see her,” I explained trying to free my shirt from her grip. She ignored me momentarily and dragged me along with her deeper into the living room and pushed me on the couch. “Ann ran away with my fiancé,” she began. She was standing over me on the couch with her finger pointing accusingly at me. “She eloped with my man and… you’ll pay for this…” She grabbed at my crotch as she was still talking, trying to yank off my belt. “Stop it, ma’am,” I protested and stood up. She was still holding on to me but I appealed to her to calm down and explain to me what Ann did. “You know about this don’t you?” she queried. “I know nothing, ma’am. I've not heard from Ann in three days so I came here to look for her.” “Ann ran away with Dr Fash. Dr Fash is my fiancé. You know him don’t you?” “Yes… I know him but…” “Yes, they both eloped to Abuja. Ann told me they are engaged…” “That cannot be true ma’am. Ann is my girlfriend.” “Don’t be foolish big boy. Ann is gone. She’s gone with Dr Fash. She ditched you for Dr Fash and Dr Fash ditched me for Ann… that makes two of us. Isn't that great? You’re going to be my fiancé.” She attempted to kiss me but I evaded her mouth and yanked myself from her grip. I attempted to leave but she dashed ahead of me and stood sentry at the door. “You’re going nowhere Emeka,” she warned. “You better be a good boy and give me a good fuck or I’ll scream and bring the entire neighborhood here. I’ll tell them you tried to rape me. They’ll call the police and you know what that means.” “No one will believe you,” I said trying to bluff my way out of a situation that was already getting bad. “You’re drunk… no one would take you seriously.” “Don’t be stupid big boy, they’ll believe me. I have a reputation here. I’m the secretary of the residents’ association here. They know me so well here and they’ll believe me so you better be a good boy and do what I want. Besides, I’m not as drunk as you think…” As she was still talking, her hands went to her skirt and she started pushing it down from her waist. After she slipped it passed her broad hips, the skirt dropped straight to her feet and she promptly stepped out of it. She was naked waist down and I stared in disbelief at her nudity. Her vulva was bushy and looking rather unkempt but equally arousing. My cock stirred as I experienced a hard surge of sexual excitement. A mischievous smile played around her lips as if to say I got you, boy! You can’t resist this. She reached for her tops and pulled it off her body in one swift move and was now completely naked. Her boobs were very much like Ann’s in size and shape. The only difference was that hers had drooped considerably compared to Ann’s perky pair. But for a woman in her early 40s, her boobs weren’t bad at all. They still had that allure and magnetic pull of a good pair of boobs. From that moment, a new spirit came over me. It was propelled by a mixture of arousal, anger and frustration- all of which drove my dick to one of its stiffest modes. Amara probably saw the change in my countenance and her smile broadened. She started moving towards me, with her hands cupping her breasts in an apparent invitation to me to suck them. I accepted the offer as I bent double onto her chest to align myself with her petite frame. She gladly pushed her left nipples into my mouth and I began to suckle it. She moaned as I sucked her and urged me on. She took my right hand and cupped it on her right breasts, urging me to squeeze it hard. I did just that, literally crushing it in my palm and all she did was to moan sweetly. She didn't complain that I was squeezing too hard. Meanwhile, her wandering hands found my crotch and she began to squeeze my hard-on. She squeezed it rather too hard for comfort and I had to stop her. “Suck my pussy,” she pleaded as I moved her hand from my crush. “I want to feel your tongue on my pussy… Please… suck my pussy.” “When will you let me go?” I asked her. “Just suck my pussy and give me a good fuck and I’ll let you go.” “Okay,” I said nodding my head. “Make sure you keep to your promise.” “Sure I will. Now carry me to Ann’s bedroom. I know you've fucked her there before. Fuck me on her bed the way you used to fuck her.” I picked her into my arms and was headed for Ann’s bedroom that I knew so well. The bedroom door was ajar and the emptiness that greeted me as I carried Amara into it, convinced me for the first time that afternoon that Ann was gone from the house and the story of eloping with her mother’s boyfriend was probably true. Safe for the bed, the room was practically empty. Her framed photographs on the walls were not there. The wardrobe’s door was thrown open and it was bare. Her clothes and shoes that used to adorn the wardrobe were all gone. The books she used to leave on top of the bureau, her cosmetic kits and other girlie stuff that used to be by the dressing mirror, were all gone. Surely, Ann was no longer there. I decided to focus on the business at hand and to worry about Ann later. I knew I would sooner than later know the truth about her sudden disappearance. With my attention now on Amara, I went full blast on her pussy. She had it spread for me with her hands and my tongue worked hard on it, licking every nook and cranny while she howled and yelled all manner of obscenities. She was having a ball no doubt. But it was a different ball game for me. Her cunt was rather too hairy for my comfort. My nostrils were literally covered in her bush, making it difficult for me to breathe. At a point, I almost asked her to get something to shave off her bush before I would continue to go down on her but I realized that would prolong my stay in her house. I wanted to get it all done with and get the hell out of her place. Along the line, I pushed one of my fingers into her cunt and she moaned louder, thrusting her waist upward and literally fucking my finger with her cunt. I inserted two more fingers and she seemed to like it. Her moans got louder and her thrusts more ferocious. Her cunt had a firm grip around my fingers. They were all coated in her juice and I worked them in and out while I used my thumb to tickle her clit. Eager to tickle her g-spot, I withdrew two fingers leaving the middle finger I which pushed in deeper then curved it backwards to be able to access her g-spot. I knew from her reaction when I tickled it that I got the right spot. She came almost immediately, jerking, yelling and howling. She held my hand and pulled it out of her cunt then remained still for a moment as the orgasm took a toll on her. I let her be while I concentrated on myself, undressing as fast as I could till I go off the last item of clothing on me. My cock was so stiff and big with pre-cum dripping from it. I reached for Amara and she turned towards me opening her eyes. She smiled and without any prompting, from me, spread out her legs. Her eyes were fixated on my cock and the expression on her face seemed to suggest she was impressed with my size. I got on top of her proudly and right away penetrated her with her hands guiding the way for my cock. She was tight and warm but nowhere as tight as Ann. All the same, she had a cock-friendly cunt that had me cumming in just a couple of minutes. I withdrew my cock after I came and lay by her side. The smell of the mixture of our juices pervaded us and it was rather arousing. On a good day, I would have gone for another round or two before getting satiated but the urge to sneak out of Amara’s den was greater in me. Suddenly, I heard Amara snoring by my side. Apparently, she had slept off and it was good news to me. I carefully and quietly got up from the bed. I stood over her by the bedside looking at her. There was no doubt that she was fast asleep. She looked tired and stressed and this orgasm induced sleep seemed to be the perfect remedy she needed. Her hairy cunt looked messy with the gooey mixture of our juices oozing out of it but at the same time, it was arousing enough to make my cock to nod a couple of times in anticipation of entering that sweet tunnel again. But I told my cock it was time to leave. I gathered my clothes and started leaving the room on tiptoes. I looked back as I got to the doorway but it was obvious Amara was deeply asleep and had no idea I was sneaking out. I walked confidently into the living room, dressed up and left the house. For the next two days, I tried to reach Ann but her cell phone remained permanently switched off and I concluded that she ditched the line to prevent me getting across to her. However, I reached out to a couple of her friends but none of them seemed to know of her whereabouts. At least two of them confirmed that they heard she eloped with her mom’s boyfriend but they had no idea where they went to. Meanwhile, Ann’s mom, Amara called me the second day after I left her place. She thanked me for what she described as a “much-needed fuck” but apologized for blackmailing me to do it. She said she was drunk, depressed and heartbroken because of the betrayal she got from her daughter and fiancé and she didn’t know what exactly she was doing. She asked me to forgive her but I told her we were both victims in the whole saga and there was nothing to apologize for. As for sex, I told her, the pleasure was all mine and if she needed me again, she could call me or come to my place. She laughed and said she would think about it. Till this moment that I am writing this story, I have not heard anything about or from Ann and her supposed new lover, Dr Fash. There have been no updates in any of their social media accounts. No news at all about them. They simply vanished to God-knows-where. I just can’t believe that Ann ran away with a man old enough to be her father and her mother’s fiancé for that matter. Inasmuch as I would love to give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't do it, the reality on the ground indicates clearly that she did. She dumped me for a rich older guy.
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