
Juicy Sex Story Contest

$500 First Prize

​Since this was our first contest... we based it around a first time sexual experience.

The competition judges based their choices on how much the story got them going, how much it captivated them, originality and grammar/writing skills.

​There was a lot of debate among the judges... and the winner was finally decided to be Lunabelle's entry ​First Surrender. Congratulations on a sexy and well written story.

​Close seconds were PiperRai's entry A Real Challenge: A Night of Firsts and Ted E Bear's very moving First Time Through the Scars

Guest Judge Dangerous Lilly

Top Sex Blogger Dangerous Lilly is the guest judge for our first contest. Lilly is known for her quality content writing and sharp tongue. It's fantastic to have her onboard.

Read more about Dangerous Lilly

​Thanks to everyone who entered - ​the judges ​were blown away by the high standard and sheer number of contest entries.

Contest Entries

The Girl Next Door

W.M.Dawes - May 04, 2014 | 156095 Views
Contest Entry
ginger, girl next door
The girl next door had inspired my fantasy life for quite a while. When I took her for a ride, I wasn't prepared for what she provided in return.

First time sex on a yacht

SmileyGirl - May 01, 2014 | 103569 Views
Contest Entry
profile, 6 4 110
“Hold the rail – I want to explore you.” he said. I held onto the rail at the front of the boat - I was totally naked, bent over with my pussy on show to the world and I didn’t care – I felt incredible. Invincible. Sexy. And alive.

Discovering Kitty's Castle

Sir Jay 69 - April 29, 2014 | 29093 Views
Contest Entry
bdsm, juicy sex stories profile 8
It took 20 minutes to get to Kitty’s Castle. I walked up to the door and knocked using the big, heavy steel knocker. Surprisingly I felt no nerves, just anticipation about what was behind the door. Would it change my world or my view on the world I live in today? I didn’t know but was eager to find out.

Getting what I want

Seductress - April 28, 2014 | 143276 Views
Contest Entry
straight, 26 3 14 21
Yes they call me things. Slut, mole, bitch whore… Maybe I am? But at least I now get what I want. Jamie was the first married man I corrupted and slept with. Yes he was a friend’s partner but that just made it all the more fun.

Sean shows me how sex should be

Love Chick - April 19, 2014 | 38564 Views
Contest Entry
juicy, sex stories 22 10 3
I feel warm, loved and truly, truly sexy. In 25 years of marriage I never once felt sexy and loved like this – and this gorgeous new man has achieved this in just a few short minutes on our first time together. I feel like the Queen. He undoes my bra and lets my breasts spill out. He looks in the mirror and fondles them gently from behind heightening the warmth I feel. “Lie down on the bed beautiful lady.” Sean says “I want to devour you.”