
His friend Part - I

Slut_Whore - March 04, 2020 | 34276 Views
bdsm, collar 1140x6415
I was being dragged out of my house at 5 in the morning. Handcuffed, clamps on breasts, naked and at the mercy of a stranger.

Build up to Archana's bdsm session

desigirl - April 14, 2020 | 17124 Views
bdsm, 27 5 23
This is my bdsm session story. I have divided the story in parts. This story is about how I came up with the idea of getting involved in a BDSM session.
bdsm, juicy sex stories profile 41
I awoke at 7am. I heard the rain outside and the wind shook the windows of our large, but old family home. It was Saturday and I didn't need to get up so I buried my head back into…

The online Submission

kkiran - January 29, 2020 | 12290 Views
bdsm, 27 5 16
Hi… this is Kiran from Aurangabad Maharashtra . I am 4.3 feet in height and had a skinny body with dick size 3 inch normally and when its erect it is 5 inches with flat stomach…

Lovely Master 3

shrus.p - January 27, 2020 | 17204 Views
bdsm, juicy sex stories profile 10
And after submission of 2 days I was back to my hostel . I was thinking of all that happened in last two days . I was thinking should i continue with it or not ? I was thinking day…
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