“He's into this mother and daughter thing. I said I would talk to you. He wants us to do stuff to each other while he takes a video of us.”

“Trash your bra!”

Jo-Anne Wiley - May 17, 2015 | 49981 Views
“Ray, just throw this away for me, would you?” His eyes widened as she continued twisting buttons. She couldn’t look up but she could hear his breathing. She pulled the front of the blouse open; pushing it back from her shoulders, she let it drop to the floor, behind. She moved a step closer. “Please, Ray. Don’t say anything. Just throw this out for me.” Her hands went behind her back. The cups sprang forward and the cool air hardened her nipples. She slide the straps down and she bunched up the lace.

Sex Toy Story with my Beauty Therapist

Mrs Juicy - March 09, 2014 | 121597 Views
sex, toys 1
“Good girls get treats” she smiles. “You have beautiful breasts.” She massages them with gentle circular strokes smiling as she takes in their beauty. She grabs my nipples and pulls them gently with alternate tweaks left then right, left then right. Each little tug sends a pleasure hit to my already wet pussy.
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Why do I smile? Lots of sex that's why. If you get a lot of the good stuff you can't help but smile…
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I believe I have reached half way through my life. made some great decisions and some dumb ones. I try…
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