
The Fireman: A Hot Short Story

AllieOpalXX   December 06, 2024   | 2697 Views
“You’re right,” Harlan said, stepping closer to examine Emma’s face. She looked up at him for a moment with deep blue eyes and gave him a little smile. “Means we probably have to provide deeper stimulation to the nervous system.” He looked over at Jake, whose right arm was starting to slow down as he contemplated this. Harlan knew from his training that the vagina, specifically the G-spot, contains the perfect density of blood vessels and sensory nerves. In a case like this one, deep stimulation of this area is the quickest and most effective way to reset the nervous system. Luxury

[Disclaimer: This is a universe that looks a lot like our own, but make no mistake - it isn’t. In this universe, consent for the following acts can be given by way of a medical alert card, just like it can for CPR, etc., in ours. 

Sit back, relax, and suspend belief for a moment in this world where sex is far less taboo in public spaces than you may be used to. While our characters break a sweat, you don't have to lift a finger... unless, of course, you want to.] 

Harlan rubbed his temples. He was almost done with a 24 hour shift as a firefighter/paramedic, and this one had felt exceptionally long. It had been busy, but mostly just with stupid stuff. The last call was to an elderly man who called 911 whenever he lost his remote, which was frequently. What a waste of his time and taxpayer money. At least it was easy. The man was sitting right on it. 

The 30 year-old rolled up his long sleeve over a brawny left forearm to inspect a small cut, sustained when he rescued that last cat out of a tree. He shook his head thinking about how the strength he had spent years building in the gym to rescue people out of burning buildings was often wasted on getting animals - that could clearly climb and/or jump all by themselves - out of trees.

He and his partner were in their ambulance, almost back to the station, when another call came through. An individual had collapsed outside the jewelry store nearby. No sign of an assailant, but the person was reportedly in medical distress. The lights and sirens were on for about 5 minutes before they pulled up to the location, where a young woman with long, dark hair was lying on the ground. 

Harlan wasn’t driving today and he was the first to jump out of the ambulance and rush to her. A couple of frantic looking people stood around, appearing helpless and confused. The firefighter noticed that the patient was breathing raggedly through parted red lips and moving slightly on the ground. He took her pulse. Very slow and weak. Beads of sweat glistened along her brow and at her sternum, where the buttons of her pink blouse stopped, just between her breasts. 

It was clear that CPR wasn’t necessary, and they could probably put her in the ambulance and rush her to the hospital… but something stuck out in Harlan’s memory that made him pause. He dumped out her purse. That’s it! He knew it. One more thing before he could take action.  Fortunately, he found what he was looking for in her wallet: her ID, stating she will allow any means necessary for resuscitation. Her name, he saw, was Emma. 

“Jake, this is going to be an unusual procedure. Remember learning about IVS?”

Jake had jumped out of the ambulance and was walking toward Harlan. Upon hearing “IVS” he stopped short, almost tripping over the curb. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, I’m certain.” He pointed at something in the pile of stuff from the purse. “That shit is fucking with her nervous system and it’s only a matter of time before it’s too late. Get your gloves on and I’ll grab a pillow.” 

Jake made a gulping sound, but nodded. Harlan knew neither of them had had to perform this in the field before, but they were trained to be ready for anything. Moving quickly now, the broad-shouldered EMT gently tucked the pillow underneath the woman’s wavy brown hair, and took note that her movements were gradually becoming more frantic. “Okay, Jake, you get her started and I’ll see if I can get the onlookers to give us some space.”

Jake knelt at the lady’s side and took her delicate hand in his large, calloused one. “Ma’am, if you can hear me, I want you to know that we are professionals, and we’re here to help you. We have to start immediate intravaginal stimulation to reset your nervous system.” 

A small moan escaped the woman’s lips, followed by a soft, “help… me…” as her fingers curled and uncurled around his.

As Harlan moved around the perimeter, asking the handful of people standing around to move along, Jake put a glove on his right hand, slid his hand under Emma’s skirt, and worked two of his fingers inside. The best the taller, darker-haired firefighter could do was get the onlookers to back up several feet, but he figured that was better than nothing without more help. He returned to his partner, who was now thrusting two fingers deep into her cavity at a steady pace. He was also visually assessing her response as they had been trained to do, and Harlan thought she appeared to be responding well. 

Despite the medical nature of this emergency procedure, positive signs from the patient are notably similar to those of sexual arousal, Harlan recalled. In line with his personal experience with, well, witnessing feminine pleasure, Emma was starting to buck her hips into Jake’s large hand, and was digging her nails into his forearms. She moaned softly, but was still not directly responding to questions or speaking coherently. 

Harlan was worried for the patient, but the sight of her arching back and perky round breasts pressing upward into her low-cut button up shirt was starting to get him worked up. He felt a slight increase in pressure in the front of his pants as Emma grinded into Jake’s fingers and emitted little whimpers. 

After about 10 minutes of nonstop thrusting on Jake’s part, he called over to Harlan. “Hey man, I can see that she has made it past the first phase, her eyes are starting to open a little and she is saying a few more words here and there, but I’m pretty sure we should be on phase two by now.”

“You’re right,” Harlan said, stepping closer to examine Emma’s face. She looked up at him for a moment with deep blue eyes and gave him a little smile. “Means we probably have to provide deeper stimulation to the nervous system.” He looked over at Jake, whose right arm was starting to slow down as he contemplated this. Harlan knew from his training that the vagina, specifically the G-spot, contains the perfect density of blood vessels and sensory nerves. In a case like this one, deep stimulation of this area is the quickest and most effective way to reset the nervous system.

“I’m not entirely sure I can do this part, Harlan. My arm is starting to cramp and I think my old hip injury is not gonna let me get in that position,” he said, with a twinge of rue in his voice. He pulled away from the woman and took off his glove. 

Harlan tried not to smile, but he was already rolling up his sleeves. As he pulled out a condom from his medical kit - safety first, of course - he glanced around. There were even more people standing around than before, at a decent distance away, but all appearing very curious to see what was going on. Given that there were only two of them here at the moment, however, there was not much they could really do to shoo them away.

Oh well, no time to lose. Harlan undid his belt, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled out his already half-hard cock. It took only about a minute to stroke it to full-mast. He hadn’t had time to take care of himself much lately, but he also had to admit to himself, having an audience was actually a bit exhilarating. 

Harlan knelt on the ground next to the pretty woman and put the condom on. She was still breathing heavily and made occasional jerking movements with her limbs, but she opened her eyes to look at the firefighter. 

“It’s going to be alright, miss,” he said, taking her hand. “I’m a trained professional and am going to get you through this.”

She nodded, before closing her eyes again. He needed to get going in order to make sure she was safe. Harlan straddled her, grasped her slim waist, and rocked his hips to get his thick cock fully into her tight vaginal hole. Once he was deep inside her, he started slowly to assess her response. She was responding well - the erratic movements of Emma’s arms and legs had already stopped. 

Harlan built speed and force, and began to slam his cock into her warm and moistening cavity. Moments later, Emma’s hands flew up to grasp his arms tightly and gasped. 

“Miss, are you okay?” Harlan asked quickly, pausing his motion.

“More! Please, more!” She sounded desperate, but clear. He must be hitting the right spot.

Harlan’s body began to warm as he resumed his pounding. His shoulder muscles rippled under his tight-fitting uniform, and he caught sight more than once of women in the crowd staring lustily at him. Beneath him, Emma began to use her legs to drive her hips up to match Harlan’s pace. She was speaking, louder now, and urgently. 


More! Faster! Harder! 

It was all Harlan could do to stave off his own orgasm. Of course, it didn’t help that the woman beneath him was smoking hot and he hadn’t had much time to meet anyone lately. Mental techniques he had learned earlier to last longer were now his only hope to avoid ending the process too early. He could tell from the young woman’s strong and purposeful motions and the clarity of her words that she was almost through the final phase of the reset. However, if he could get her to orgasm, he knew she would be less likely to have a relapse or possible complications later. He had to keep going. 

Harlan could feel the tension building dangerously inside his body. He could sense the tension in the crowd around him. He could see how tense Jake looked, too, when he glanced over. Was he maybe a little jealous? He could feel tension rising in Emma’s body as she approached what might be - 

“Oh, fuck!” It was Harlan, startled by suddenly being clawed deeply in the arms by his patient. 

Her eyes flew open. “Don’t stop! I’m almost there! I’m almost there!” she cried. 

Not missing a beat, Harlan continued to pound her now dripping pussy at a rapid pace. Moments later, he felt it.

“Ah! Ah! FUCK!” 

Long, manicured nails dug into Harlan even harder, leaving claw marks down his forearms. Emma had her eyes shut tightly, mouth gaping open, and arched her back so hard that the top button of her shirt popped open, revealing even more of her perfect cleavage. Harlan had to pull out NOW. He couldn’t hold off much longer but felt it would be entirely unprofessional of him to cum while helping a patient. 

Harlan sat back, his dick still hard as a rock and throbbing. He repositioned the gray skirt back over Emma’s knees before hastily removing the condom and doing his best to stuff his cock back into his pants. The enormous bulge it created was almost comical, but Harlan dearly wished he didn’t have to do that. He thought he heard a young woman giggle come from somewhere off to his left. 

It was at least a minute before she stopped shaking, but finally Emma came down from the orgasm. Harlan kneeled next to her as she rolled over to her right, pushed herself up on one arm, and brushed aside her thick, wavy hair to peer at him. And then she saw the crowd, sheepishly looking at her. Some of the people started to walk away as if nothing happened, while others stayed, but looked away as if they hadn’t just seen her have a massive orgasm on a street corner. About five people started to clap. 

“Wait a second… what… where…?” The woman sitting on the ground rubbed her head, trying to remember. 

“Do you know what happened, miss?” The firefighter asked gently. 

“Well, I… I was just walking home from work… and then I remember you and… Did I fall?”

“You did… it looks like you may have initially fainted, but you had a severe nervous system dysregulation. If we didn’t address it immediately, it could have caused some long term damage to your brain. We had to use IVS, or intravaginal stimulation, to basically reset your nervous system.”

“Oh shit. Well that makes sense why I thought I just dreamed about being fucked by a sexy fireman… I mean…” Emma blushed and trailed off. Harlan blushed, too, feeling the uncomfortable pressure in his pants.

Remembering herself, the brunette brushed her hair back to think again. “I did just start this new medication for… well… I haven’t had much of a libido lately, and it was supposed to help with that. The doctor mentioned it had a few possible, but rare side effects.”

“That’s what I figured when I saw the pill bottle in your purse. This side effect is rare, but unfortunately, when this happens and you can’t get help, it can have dire consequences. I would suggest you stop taking that if you don’t want that risk.”

Emma sighed, but nodded her head. “I guess I’ll just have to figure something else out. I just hated that I never seemed to want to sleep with the guys I was going out with. They were all attractive, so I figured it was something about my body that was the issue.”

Nothing about your body is an issue, Harlan thought to himself, feeling another twinge in his groin. 

“Well, thank you so much for saving me.” She looked up at Jake, standing nearby. “Both of you. Thank you for helping me so quickly.”

Harlan stood up slowly, adjusting the only slightly deflated lump in his pants.

“Oh!” Emma’s hand went to her mouth. Then she took it away and smiled. “You look like YOU could use a little help yourself.” She stood up next to him, about a foot shorter than he was. 

“Oh, uh, ma’am that’s absolutely not necessary…”

Jake coughed a little too loudly and threw Harlan a look.

“Look, it's the least I can do! How about you find me when you’re done with your shift?”

“I mean… okay, we’re just about done now. Why don’t we give you a ride back to the station and we can go from there?” Harlan said. He was smiling but trying to hold back the desperation in his voice. 

“Can I sit on your lap?” she asked with a giggle. 

“Ah, well I’m going to have to take you there in the back of the ambulance, I can’t imagine how much trouble we would be in if you rode in on my lap. But I can sit with you back there,” Harlan couldn’t tame the grin on his face as he helped her step up into the ambulance. 

Given that the ride was only 10 minutes back to the station, Harlan was not prepared for Emma’s attack the second the doors were shut. 

She was on him in a flash, ripping the clasp of his belt buckle open, then the button of his black slacks, and yanking the zipper of his pants open enough to get her hand inside. In a second, his cock was free of its confines and already filling with blood again in her small but skilled hand.

Harlan was no longer able to think about safety belts. There was no blood left in his head, at least not the one sitting on his shoulders. He grabbed Emma by the hips and thrust her onto the gurney as she let out a surprised and happy squeal. Her thin panties, already soaked from her previous orgasm on the street, were instantly ripped off and thrown to the side of the ambulance. 

As the ambulance rounded a corner, his body hit the side of the cab closest to him. The sudden impact didn’t hurt him but only riled him up more, awakening his aggressive sexual energy. The woman on the gurney had her hands still on his cock, but he grabbed her by the wrists and wrapped them both up into the belts on the sides of the gurney. 

Her eyes went wide with a wild hunger inside, but Harlan was already looking back at her body. There was a hunger inside him as well. He tore her blouse open, several buttons flying off in different directions, to reveal perfectly round breasts, barely contained by her pink lace bra. Her gray skirt was now up around her waist and he could also see the damp, dark pink folds of her pussy, ready for him to take her. 

Around another corner. Harlan braced, holding onto the bar at the end of the gurney. As soon as he could stabilize, he leapt onto the gurney on top of the half naked woman before him and - at last - plowed his stiff rod back into her. 

Gripping the sides of the gurney, Harlan used the leverage to pound her with everything he had. Emma’s eyes rolled back in her head as she gasped in ecstasy, arms straining against her makeshift bindings. The bumpy road, if anything, added to the experience, making every thrust seem like three. 

The firefighter had never felt this kind of heat before. It was building up inside him like he was a house made of sticks with a gasoline fire, and the only way to put it out was - 

Fuck, those long nails again! But this time they clawed down his back, under his shirt, and the pain-pleasure sensation was driving him over the edge. 

Thud! Thud! Thud! 

The gurney slammed against the back of the ambulance, as Harlan pounded all the way to a massive, breathtaking orgasm of his own. He paid no attention to the animalistic sounds he made, but it felt as if they came from deep within him. His arms and legs shook as he all but collapsed upon his partner. She gripped his ass tightly as he lay on top of her, still hard and inside her. 

Without warning, the doors of the ambulance flew open. It was Jake. 

“Dude, did you not hear me over the intercom? We pulled up a couple minutes ago. Everyone is going to catch sight of your bare ass in a second.”


Harlan pulled himself up, his dripping cock barely starting to soften. Just as he got it stuffed, once again, back into his tight pants, a couple guys from the team came around the corner and into view. 

Emma had sat back up already, with her skirt pulled down, but her shirt was still wide open, and there was no sense in trying to make up a story for these guys. The grins on their faces told Harlan they had a pretty good idea what was going on here. 

“Ah, I see, you were performing a medical procedure in here, huh, buddy?” The thinner, tattooed EMT chuckled as Harlan hopped out of the ambulance. “Did you save her?”

“I mean, technically, that’s exactly what we were doing. She was taking some of those libido pills and they fucked her up.”

“So you had to fuck her… I think we get it.” Laughed the shorter firefighter with thick, black, curly hair. “Are you cured, yet, ma’am?” he asked, turning to Emma. She was holding her blouse together since most of the buttons were now missing, which only made her cleavage appear even more voluptuous. 

“Ah, you know, I definitely feel better… but I’m still a little worried about whether or not I’m actually cured…” she let go of her shirt with her right hand to toy with her long hair, and one lace-clad breast bounced free. She sheepishly glanced from one fireman to the other. 

“You know, Harlan, I think maybe this job isn’t quite over yet.” Jake said, with a growing grin on his face. 

“Hey,” Harlan said, throwing up his hands in mock defeat. “I did the best I could, but if she doesn’t feel out of the woods yet, I did bring her right to the experts.” He jumped out of the ambulance and extended his hand to Emma, who took it and prepared to step down. She had a very playful look on her face. 

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